Critique this please...

GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
Ok... I have setup a meal plan for tomorrow. If i go by that .... with the only thing changing (daily so i dont get bored) is the lunch/afternoon meal... would that be sufficient?(as far as macro's goes i think it looks ok) I need structure... badly.

Please dont ask me if I can eat like this for the rest of my life..
I plan on exercising for the rest of my life.. I feel like I can move mountains some days and as long as what i am eating and how much I am eating is healthy I can do anything..

You can say YAY or NAY or completely change it.. I just need structure.. I need simplicity. I am always on the go so time is of the essence. I dont cook I have no intentions of cooking.. To put that in perspective.. I bought a dozen eggs to boil,...they went bad.

Thanks for the advice in advance :)


  • JustDeena
    JustDeena Posts: 40 Member
    I wont critique but mostly because I do not "eat clean" and really dont care too! LOL

    I think as long as you are happy, and it falls within your goals, go for it. I gave up trying to stick to a certain "diet" because it never worked for me. I just eat less, although I have to be careful to make sure I actually eat, or I end up binging. No bueno!
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    The ONLY thing i have to be careful with is fats and dairy products because I dont have a gallbladder.

    I dont eat clean either.. I just want to eat within my limits and have a PLAN.
    If you look at my diary.. pizza, chicken wings, and chineese isnt the best ways to eat LOL :)
    I eat randomly and carelessly sometimes when i am not organized.
  • KRoth416
    KRoth416 Posts: 37 Member
    Honestly I feel that you can eat what you want...within reason. Obviously count your calories!!!! I have been doing that and some days I am like OH MY GOODNESS I ate like garbage, other days I'm like oh, wow, its bedtime, I ate great and I'm not hungry!! It all depends......I also have been giving myself one unmonitored day...that happens to be my Sunday, so I watch what I eat ALL week and Sunday I don't count the, that doesnt mean I go eat a large pizza a bucket of fried chicken and a gallon of soda.....but you know what I am saying.

    "Dieting" is a if your "diet" is what you eat, just do it in moderation!! You can totally have that brownie...just ONE though, and not every single day!!

    Good luck and you can do it!!