Not so sure about EM2WL....

Hi all,

I'm not certain about the whole EM2WL thing.... seems kind of counter-intuitive and terrifying. I've successfully lost 30 pounds on two separate occasions calorie counting with MFP. Both times I hit about 160 (I'm 5' 1" with a GW of 125-130) and then I couldn't do it anymore. When I've lost before, my calorie goal was about 1300/day. Things would go well for a couple months, and then I would just hit a wall and stop and I just couldn't do it anymore for some reason.

Now my starting weight is even higher (204), and I've been 'back on the wagon' for a week. I'm just about the highest I think I've ever been. Before finally getting my head back into this, I was eating anything and everything for months, and really packing on the pounds. MFP put my calorie goal at 1200, which I know is pretty low, and is totally the opposite of EM2WL.

To make things more difficult, I struggle with eating disorder; when I was younger, I was bulimic. Now as an adult, I struggle with binge eating, and, severe calorie restriction when I'm calorie counting. Since Monday, my calories have been under 800 consistently, except for Friday when I hit 1450. I'm certainly hungry and could eat tons, but it's a control thing; I feel successful when I restrict, and feel I'll get there that much faster. I know logically it's not healthy, and not smart, but unfortunately, it's not about logic. Even on Friday when I reached 1450, and I saw that red number on MFP, I reeeeeally struggled, but I made a conscious decision to eat that much because the fatigue from eating not enough all week was really getting to me.

My calories have been very healthy and nutritious though, other than my coffee (which I have plans to change to cashew milk and a bit of sugar free syrup, rather than the half n half and flavored creamer I usually use). My severe deficit has been effecting my mood and energy level, so I haven't been very active at all.

Anywayyyy, like I said, I'm not sure if EM2WL is the answer for me, as it just seems I wouldn't lose, or I would lose way too slowly.

Thanks for listening!


  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    One way to look at it is, what do you have to lose if you try it? I've worked my way up to 2200 calories a day literately kicking and screaming with lots and lots of crying. I am coming from decades of eating under 1000 calories a day. I was at one point eating 500 a day. I started out at 305 pounds. A year later I am 293 pounds, but eating more than 2200 calories a day. I now have the energy to do things I only dreamed of a year ago.

    For me to it was the control factor. I couldn't control my weight, but I could control what I ate. At my lowest calorie count I was eating two packages of cheese and peanut butter crackers. You know the ones that have six cracker sandwiches in it. I could get three days in a row of eating those twelve cracker sandwiches per day before I'd binge till I vomited (around 1500-2000). Then I could get another three days of eating one peanut butter sandwich or two packages of crackers. I still gained, and gained, and gained.

    Now after being at over 2000 calories for more than two months I'm staying right around 290 pounds, but I have to energy to do the things I have to and most of what I want to do. Now if I could just get this connective tissue disorder to somehow disappear I could do the lifting I used to do too.

    We are all very supportive here too.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Welcome @HLA_LovinMe
    I totally understand your fears. Trust me, we were all right where you are when we started.
    I have a background of anorexia so i really get it.
    Have you checked the calculator on our website to see how much you should be eating to start with?
    Then you know roughly what you are aiming for.
    Not to bombard you with too much to start with, but I would seriously recommend you do a metabolic reset, info here;
    both from a physical and a mental view point.
    @scaryann1 Has given you some great examples from her own experience too. It is a wonderfully supportive community.
    EM2WL is for everyone and anyone and it really does work you just have to give it time and patience.
    Here are some posts of lots of people who have had success.

    Team EM2WL
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think both @empressichel and @scaryann1 have given you great things to go on.. the one thing I want to point out that you said in your post and I hope you can look at it and take it to heart:
    I've successfully lost 30 pounds on two separate occasions calorie counting with MFP. Both times I hit about 160 (I'm 5' 1" with a GW of 125-130) and then I couldn't do it anymore. When I've lost before, my calorie goal was about 1300/day. Things would go well for a couple months, and then I would just hit a wall and stop and I just couldn't do it anymore for some reason.

    If you were successful, you wouldnt have had to go on a second dieting attempt to lose the weight again. Followed by the fact you say now you are heavier now than before. Success is permanent.. not temporary..You however, did not fail.. the diet did, and it set you up on this pathway to binge eat because you restricted your calories so severe on the other days.

    First, I would highly suggest having a good long talk with yourself... What is it you are looking for? Are you looking to lose the weight, or are you looking to take control of your Eating Disorder (ED) and take back control of your life? The two are VERY VERY different things.

    Both Ichel and Mary ann are very knowledgable with ED. I know they can help you more than I can with it, but I am here to listen if needed

    Team EM2WL
  • HLA_LovinMe
    HLA_LovinMe Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you everyone
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    If MFP told you to eat 1200 calories/day when you weigh 204, you must have entered a very aggressive weight loss goal (2 pounds/week?) and that you were sedentary.

    EMTWL isn't really about "eating a lot". It's about maintaining a small deficit to lose weight slowly - which is generally easier to sustain and easier to transition to maintenance. That doesn't go against what you've learned elsewhere. You've learned that you have to eat at a deficit to lose weight - which is what EMTWL has you do. It just has you do it cautiously and slowly.

    The other factor in "eat more" is increasing activity level and, especially, incorporating strength training. By burning more calories (within reason) you get to eat more. By strength training, you preserve muscle which helps with metabolism and makes you look better (as well as being a healthy thing to have).
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Hi @HLA_LovinMe
    Just checking in to see how are you doing?
    Team EM2WL