New to strength training, trying to learn.

I'm new to strength training. I want to do well. So I'm here to learn and participate. I'm alone in this weight loss/ strength training journey, my support system is my husband.

so I haven't been on MFP for a couple of years. I reached my goal, lost over 80 pounds and kept it off for over a year and a half. Then had 2 accidents...brain bruise, and from complications from that I fell and I broke my shoulder in two places, on the right side, broke 3 ribs on the left side and crushed my left knee cap. I also came down on a bucket handle, it tore a thin piece of my skin from my navel up across my left breast to my chest. Was very very bad. Very painful. I learned a lot about myself and my so called family and friends. I not only see life differently , I also see death differently. No one called or came to see about me for a week, then my in laws came by once, and my sister brought us a wheelchair to borrow , but that was two weeks after accident. I couldn't move, I couldn't feed myself. My husband left his work every 3 hours to come home, carry me to restroom, give me pain pills, and water, and I lived on grapes, crackers and some ice cream. Mostly drank the ice cream, only had one hand. It was very emotional, they gave me 3 antidepressants, and were concerned that I would just give up and die. It was serious. I have never felt like that before in my whole entire life, and I never want to feel like that again. My so called friends never came or called until about 3 weeks after. Then one text me, and she has stayed in touch. After such a horrifying experience, and no one but my husband being there for me I realized, I really didn't have any real friends. And i have gone out of my way to take care of friends when they have had accidents and surgery's. To the point of them living in my house until they were better. I was an emotional wreck. A few months after this incidence I got very bloated and ill. It seems that all the meds had created a new problem. My colon had been poisoned by the combinations of medicines. So to make this short I gained back most of the weight. So here I am, starting over, not very positive on anything, not even life. But I really want to be. And I'm working hard to get there. I just need some guidance. And I want to lose the weight again, and get stronger, and maybe along the way help someone else who is struggling. You all are truly amazing.