Newbie here!

greycee67 Posts: 12 Member
Just starting the Paleo diet! I understand the basics. Meats, Vegetables (except white potatoes) fruits and nuts. I work a lot and don't really like cooking, so simple and quick is what I am all about! Any advice or easy menu plans would be greatly appreciated.


  • greycee67
    greycee67 Posts: 12 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I would like for some of you that have been doing this for a while to help me track my food. See if I can tweak or improve on anything.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Just starting the Paleo diet! I understand the basics. Meats, Vegetables (except white potatoes) fruits and nuts. I work a lot and don't really like cooking, so simple and quick is what I am all about! Any advice or easy menu plans would be greatly appreciated.


    I've found that the "hour in the kitchen" (is that from Well Fed?) makes a huge difference. When I get food home, I spend an hour or so washing and chopping veggies. Today, for example:

    I soaked varied greens (turnip and beet tops, kale, chard) in salt-and-vinegar water to dislodge dirt and pests, rinsed them, chopped them and put them through the salad spinner. I now have a gallon-size bag of greens ready for stir-fry or to add to a salad. I first tried this last weekend and had fresh greens most of the week.

    I have a container of sliced onions and another of chopped onions. Ready to throw into a salad, or into a pan.

    I cleaned a head of celery and cut it into sticks.

    It's a start, anyhow.
  • ThePrimalSpartan
    ThePrimalSpartan Posts: 59 Member
    Like homesweeths mentioned, planning ahead is key when it comes to little time for cooking but wanting to maintain Primal/Paleo.

    When I'm in a time crunch, salads are my go to meal. I try to keep it interesting with the protein options and the veggie selections. Chopping them all up ahead of time, so you can just throw it all on some lettuce and go, is a really good idea. Other times, when I'm pressed for time/not feeling overly ambitious I like to bake/roast a protein in the oven, and saute some sort of veggie in olive or coconut oil. Cabbage or zucchini/squash are great options. Steaming veggies is also a simple and quick way to cook them too. Spaghetti squash, when in season, is also a super simple prep of 45 min baking in a 350 degree oven.

    I'll send you a friend request! Happy to support anyone (especially those following Primal/Paleo!)
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    I'm also new, I'm starting Monday however. I have to hit up the stores tomorrow to get me started. So I'm in to see advice. :smile: Feel free to add me also.
  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    I usually cook my meat and veggies in bulk for the week and place in ziplocks so that I can pull when I need. I add a piece of low glycemic fruit a couple times per day, and a serving of pecans. I'm keeping it simple for now so that the weight comes off. Once I'm closer to maintenance, I dare to be creative in the kitchen!
  • greycee67
    greycee67 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the great advice!