PEDALING GOADIES - Thursday 02/02/2017

TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
This thread is for beginners, veterans, and in between. Be it street, trail, mountain, or stationary bikers, this thread is for all pedalers out there. Post your daily distances/experiences and benefits of being on the move. And HAVE FUN!!!!!


  • TimDumez
    TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
    edited February 2017
    Took two 6.1 mile rides yesterday, one in the am and one in the pm, for a total of 12.2 miles. Did them both at Level 3, which is "very light effort".
  • klmackey893
    klmackey893 Posts: 118 Member
    5 effing degrees out side this morning. Frostbite not an option so I drove my truck. Maybe I'll get on the trainer before dinner tonight. when its warm it is snowing when its clear its too cold. (19-20 F is my lower limit).
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    Got in a really good 40 miler over the weekend. Some in my group are doing a century on super bowl sunday. Not me. I may do half. Whether not as bad as it is for Kevin, but we've had a lot of rain and high winds recently.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    super windy yesterday. lucky to ride to yoga and slightly more for 45 min.