Anyone else a yo-yo? Weird result this time

nikoba Posts: 291 Member
This is my 3rd start up with the low carb lifestyle in 10 years. I have an unhealthy relationship with food and am an emotional eater...which is why I've struggled to stay on track and always gain what I've lost. But I've yo-yo'd with my weight since childhood. I'm going into it this time with a fresh perspective and really hoping to use my past as a learning experience to be successful and life long this time.

That being said, when I've started to transition to low carb in the past it took a good week or so to start feeling good and to have the hunger pains lessen. I just started back in yesterday and I woke up early and refreshed today. I ate well below my calories unintentionally, but I just wasn't hungry and I'm still not today. (I promise I'm not bragging)

Do you think that my body is just like "oh, we're doing this again" and is quicker to switch gears? Or am I in a honeymoon period because I've been eating like a scavenger goat for a year and my body is just happy to have healthy whole food for a change? Just curious as to your I know a lot of you are much more educated in the actual science of this way of eating than I am.


  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    This is very common with LCHF. A sign of fat adaptation is being able to go longer without eating because your body is able to fuel itself from fat's a good thing!!

    Listen to your body when it says it isn't hungry; hungry days will come again.
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    I'm with you. This is my sixth(or more) time starting Keto. I'm on day 4, so this time will be better. I have typically failed in day 1 or 2 prior to this. I managed to get this far one other time and I did it for a month then.
    I changed my water intake this time and I think that really helped me get past the 'Horrid Days'.
    I still had the sugar cravings but they were manageable. I also picked a time in my cycle that made it easier. I haven't been hungry though, just the sugar cravings.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yes To yo yo. This time I lost a great deal of weight and have regained 30 of 140 pounds while trying to do maintenence.
    Now I'm back to my weight loss plan again, and actively planning maintenance strategies for when I get back to my goal.
    Very frustrating to be in such a love/hate relationship with food.
    Really trying to change my mindset to view it as fuel only. May take a lifetime, but I'm in fight mode. Never going back.
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Really trying to change my mindset to view it as fuel only. May take a lifetime, but I'm in fight mode. Never going back.


    I've seen success both times I've followed low carb/whole food eating. I know the tools, I know I need to plan. The technical stuff I have's the emotional connection that I need to combat. This time last year, I was 40 lbs lighter and going strong. I inadvertently became involved with an alcoholic who became verbally abusive, and I consoled myself with food...boom! Gained it all back and felt like crap on SO many levels.

    I can enjoy my food, I want to enjoy my food...but it's not therapy and it's not a solution to problems. The thing's not like any of the stuff I ate ever made me go "Aw man, this is sooo worth it". It's like the stuff I crave tastes way better in my memory than it does in my actual mouth.

    Anywhoo, novel aside...I'm still surprised that I haven't felt the usual hangry/woozie feeling that I normally have when I've started this in the past. I'm not complaining...and I know it may still show it's ugly head.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member

    This helps me understand what food is. Food. Fuel for the body. Just food.
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    I also picked a time in my cycle that made it easier.
    ^That's probably a good idea ... I started back on keto at a bad time. Keto flu and shark week is NOT a good combo!

    But yes, I've always yo-yo'd. I feel like there was a long time that I gained and lost the same 10 pounds. I was down 35 at one point and then gained 15 (almost 20) of that back. Somehow my mindset this time is completely different. One thing I noticed about previous attempts (regardless of which woe it was) is that I don't have the "all or nothing" mindset. Before I would have to be all-in. If I slipped it would throw off my entire day, or weekend, or week(s). Now I realize that I can slip or plan a carb-ier meal and just get right back on track with the next thing that goes in my mouth. No major slips since having this mind set, and it's made a HUGE difference for me.