GoaD on the Run - Friday 2/3

This thread is for GOADies who like to run. New runners, old runners, and even wannabe runners meet here to discuss the joys and challenges of running. Use this space to log your miles, ask questions, share your race reports, or for anything else related to running.

New runners - and even those just thinking about starting out - are always welcome. There's no reason to lurk here. Join the pack and tell us about your running!

Oftentimes the GotR thread will pose a question or raise an issue in order to facilitate the conversation, but this is always an open forum to chat about any running-related topic.

Today's Topic: open forum. What's going on with your running?


  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I've run only twice - 2 miles each time - since my half marathon in Key West on 1/15. There's a mix of reasons, but mostly I've been dealing with a nasty cold and just haven't much felt like working out. Feeling better now, and looking forward to getting back into a training routine. I'll run 3-4 miles tomorrow.

    My next race is a 10 miler on April 9th at the Univ. of Minnesota, the "Run With Goldy." I wish Dennis was around so we could play with our Big10 rivalry, but I'll go ahead and declare that Goldy is far and away the greatest mascot in the B1G, and I look forward to running with that rodent.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 962 Member
    Next week I start the training program for my next half.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    edited February 2017
    My first marathon of 2017 is 8 weeks from tomorrow (Trailbreaker in Waukesha, WI on 4/1). I get two interval workouts in on the treadmill during the week and then have been running both days on the weekends. I need to start getting those weekend runs longer but not this weekend as I have a 10K snowshoe race on Sunday. Tomorrow I have to be at work early for an event so will likely only be able to squeeze in a 75 minute run outside. I will supplement with hiking both days up in Wisconsin on the Ice Age Trail.
  • GavinFlynn1
    GavinFlynn1 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Today I restarted C25K. I also decided to do at least one run each week barefoot. Based on how it felt, my cardio is in pretty good shape. Tomorrow will tell me a lot about how my feet feel about the no-shoes option.