Do you find you are not hungry?

sbtripp Posts: 44 Member
Keep getting the message I am not eating enough from MFP, but I am meeting my goals for keto most days and find that I am just not hungry. Does anyone else experience this?


  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    No, I'm an odd duck in that I always seem to be hungry no matter what or how much I eat.

    I did take a look at your diary, and I'm not sure of your height/weight stats, but you might consider raising protein intake. I noticed a lot of days, you are getting 50g-60g of protein and since you are eating at a deficit, you are going to lose muscle along with the fat you are losing. To preserve muscle, increase protein to about 0.8-1.0g per lb. of lean body mass.

    I know a lot of keto-ers will tell you that eating too much protein will prevent ketosis, but I don't think you need to worry about it. Again, I don't know your stats, but based on age and gender alone, I would guess that 80g-90g gets you to that .8-1g/lb. lbm. It may reduce ketosis, but that I don't think it is going to prevent weight loss... it will only help grant the right type of weight loss.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Do you have body fat to lose? Once your body learns to run on fat and if there is stored fat available, you will find that you have days you're not hungry or can go longer between meals. Your body can run on its own fat stores.

    Listen to your hunger cues; hungry days will come again.
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Throughout Feb I have mostly been eating 2 meals a day, I have been under on my calories most days but am rarely hungry.
    I'm trying to add in more fat (butters, oils etc) to keep my calories up without adding bulk which I don't feel I need.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,366 Member
    Frequently... I will have days where MFP yells at me because I am not eating enough, days where I hit the mid-range of my target for the day, and days where my limit does not seem like enough. I figure it all balances out in the end since I am still dropping weight (lost almost 3 lbs since last Wednesday) so I just listen to my body and eat when it says 'I need food'.

    I currently have my max calories for the day set to 1800, but it is a rare day where I come within 2-300 calories of that goal. Most days I am in the 1400 to 1500 calorie range.
  • StarshipFighter23
    StarshipFighter23 Posts: 73 Member
    Same here... I do at least one deliberate fast day per week (sub-600 calories) but like yesterday for example, I had bulletproof coffee for breakfast and then two well balanced, hearty meals which came in around 1200 cals total - 300 under my target of 1500 per day. MFP didn't like that, but I had simply had enough to eat over the day and didn't need anything else. I understand that they can't be seen to endorse 'unhealthy' eating and by extension eating disorders, but if we're talking about someone who is keto adapted, who is supplementing healthily and who has a LOT of fat stores to use, a few hundred calories here and there shouldn't cause a digital strop! As I often used to say whilst cradling my belly 'I can afford to miss the odd meal...' :D
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    LEAS86 wrote: »
    Throughout Feb I have mostly been eating 2 meals a day, I have been under on my calories most days but am rarely hungry.
    I'm trying to add in more fat (butters, oils etc) to keep my calories up without adding bulk which I don't feel I need.

    Do not feel like you have to add fat just to hit a calorie goal. Once you are fat adapted, your body does not care if it is pulling fat from your food or from what you have stored in your body already.

    Listen to your body. If you are hungry, eat. If you aren't, don't. Make sure you do get your minimum protein to help avoid losing lean mass, but there is no real minimum required fat intake if you have fat in your body to burn.

    Do not consistently starve yourself. By that I mean, you are better doing a true fast, which has huge metabolic advantages, than being way below goal day after day for a long time which could slow your metabolism.

    Since it sounds like you are already doing IF, perhaps a periodic full day fast could be helpful for you. From what I can tell, it seems this is just a better strategy for some.

    Also, since you said "throughout February" and it is only the 8th, if you have not been doing this very long, your body is still adjusting. That is completely normal. Don't be surprised if you have "hungry days" in the future where you end up eating well over your goal. It should all even out. Listen to your body.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I looked at your diary back to January 1 and deduced that you were, on average, eating more than you are currently eating. While I know most people tend to lose a bit more initially, you might want to keep in mind the need to nourish your body and how well you were doing on more calories.