Who's starting 22nd July?

After a non-starter last week (dvd's hadn't arrived in time) i'm ready to go INSANE now. :tongue:

It'll be my first time on Insanity. My first home DVD exercise program. I'm a little scared. :noway:

Anyone who's starting 22/7/2013 and wants to help kick my *kitten* / support me - please ADD ME.


  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    A group of us started on 18th July so you'd not be far behind if you fancied joining in. Good luck!
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow! I did Body Revolution last year and had great results. I've been doing Jillian Michaels videos for the last 2 years so I look forward to changing things up.
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    I may be, my DVDs look like they're going to get delivered tomorrow. If they do, I'll be doing the fit test in the evening after work. I'm really excited to start.

    I've got the fridge stocked with healthy food and I'm about to take measurement and do a before picture.

    skrakalaka, I did the 30 Day Shred and the 30 Day Extreme shred a while back, but I haven't worked out at all since around January except a 2 week round of Evil Russian (http://evilrussian.blogspot.com/) we did in my office about a month ago. Soooo, this will be a fun week. :laugh: :cry:

    I haven't been using MFP that much lately, but I think I'm going to track this one in my journal because I really want to finish no matter what.
  • palcolon
    palcolon Posts: 3
    I will be starting tomorrow also.
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    You probably should be a little scared, it is a tuff program. ;)

    I am getting ready to make another go at it.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I started today - just finished the fit test:)

    This is my second time round as I didn't get to finish last time due to illness followed by some personal issues:( It isn't any easier second time round!
  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi everyone! I just completed the Fit Test today - Day 1. I would love some new Insanity friends for support. Anyone feel free to add me :] I need all the support I can get, lol.
  • palcolon
    palcolon Posts: 3
    well, did my fitness test today, though on the legs mostly. We'll see how sore I'm feeling tomorrow.
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Just finished the fit test. I didn't do stellar by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm also not as out of shape as I expected either.

    I wish I could have done the fit test earlier, since I'm going straight into the first workout at 4:30 tomorrow morning and it might be hard to get going after that. Can't wait for it though, it feels good to sweat again.

    Reminded me how much I suck at plyo though... :embarassed:
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Ow! I ache today:( I'd forgotten how much it hurts....

    Didn't manage to get up early to work out this morning due to having revoltingly interrupted sleep last night (read, no sleep for more than 10 mins at a time) so will do it this evening instead.
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Done with cardio plyo a little bit ago. I'm not really sore today but my muscles feel really tired, especially in my legs. I bet tomorrow or Wednesday I'm going to be really sore though.

    MrsAgi, sorry you didn't get any sleep last night. :(
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Here's my fit test results from day 1. How do they compare?
    I lost count on the globe jumps.

    Switch kicks 80
    Power Jacks 40
    Power Knees 72
    Power Jumps 35
    Globe jumps ??
    Suicide Jumps 14
    Push-up jacks 14
    Low plank oblique 44
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Here's my fit test results from day 1. How do they compare?
    I lost count on the globe jumps.

    Nice! Mine are:

    Switch kicks 57
    Power Jacks 48
    Power Knees 65
    Power Jumps 33
    Globe jumps 4
    Suicide Jumps 14
    Push-up jacks 8
    Low plank oblique 18

    I really lost steam at the end, I have been pretty lax with diet and exercise lately and just came off a long vacation that included too much beer, too much food and plenty of laying around around on the beach. So this time my goal was just to get a number on everything with as good form as possible for now.

    I'm expecting to see a lot of improvement by the second fit test since I'm pretty out of shape right now. I also think I might start wearing shoes for the workouts, I usually workout barefoot but I'm not sure that's going to work with all the jumping on a hard floor.
  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    Hey awesome results! mine are:

    Switch kicks 60
    Power Jacks 40
    Power Knees 80
    Power Jumps 26
    Globe jumps 11
    Suicide Jumps 10
    Push-up jacks 20
    Low plank oblique 45

    Hoping to improve by second fit test!
  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    Here's my fit test results from day 1. How do they compare?
    I lost count on the globe jumps.

    Nice! Mine are:

    Switch kicks 57
    Power Jacks 48
    Power Knees 65
    Power Jumps 33
    Globe jumps 4
    Suicide Jumps 14
    Push-up jacks 8
    Low plank oblique 18

    I really lost steam at the end, I have been pretty lax with diet and exercise lately and just came off a long vacation that included too much beer, too much food and plenty of laying around around on the beach. So this time my goal was just to get a number on everything with as good form as possible for now.

    I'm expecting to see a lot of improvement by the second fit test since I'm pretty out of shape right now. I also think I might start wearing shoes for the workouts, I usually workout barefoot but I'm not sure that's going to work with all the jumping on a hard floor.

    I tried doing the workouts barefoot but i ended up getting shin splints from all the jumps, eek! I wear my running shoes for the workouts and since I don't have a carpeted floor, I also lay out my yoga mat for extra cushion :]. So far no problems at all with my shins this time around!
  • palcolon
    palcolon Posts: 3
    Well, just finished my second day about an hour ago, it was rough, especially with how sore my legs and calf are. I'm can see why they call it insanity. I'm still excite it about it, having someone show you what and how to do it plus having different workouts makes it fun.

    Switch kicks 66
    Power Jacks 17
    Power Knees 50
    Power Jumps 12
    Globe jumps 4
    Suicide Jumps 4
    Push-up jacks 12
    Low plank oblique 16
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Overslept today so I didn't have time to workout until way late, but still managed to sneak in today's workout. Cardio power and resistance is tough.

    Tomorrow is cardio recovery, so hopefully I can actually get out of bed on time and get it done early. Unfortunately, getting up on time to do it before work requires me to get up at 4:30 or 5, so I may end up just switching off to doing them at night even though I hate working out before bed.

    Hope everyone else is still hanging in there and you all aren't too sore!
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Anyone still there?

    Pure cardio = :sad:
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Pure Cardio is a killer! I thought I was doing well this time round as I had managed to do everything (except level 1 drills) without having to take loads of breaks (last time round it was week 4 before I made it all the way through warm up!!!!!!!) but Pure Cardio has ruined that idea for me. Needed LOADS of extra breaks:(

    But on the plus side, after today's work out we will have made it through one whole week! AND we get a day off tomorrow:)

    Only 8 weeks more to go:/
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Pure Cardio is a killer! I thought I was doing well this time round as I had managed to do everything (except level 1 drills) without having to take loads of breaks (last time round it was week 4 before I made it all the way through warm up!!!!!!!) but Pure Cardio has ruined that idea for me. Needed LOADS of extra breaks:(

    But on the plus side, after today's work out we will have made it through one whole week! AND we get a day off tomorrow:)

    Only 8 weeks more to go:/

    YES! First week down! We made it! My boyfriend has been listening to me go on about Insanity and was sort of intrigued so he just started yesterday too.

    If you look at it that way, there's actually only 3 weeks left until the recovery week! :smokin: (Yes I know month 2 is brutal, just let me have that little shred of optimism.)

    Pure Cardio was really hard but I think the one I suck at the most is actually the cardio plyometric circuit. It starts out ok until I get to that last set of exercises and then it just quickly falls apart. I am not good at jumping at all, I think I have like a 3 inch vertical or something, lol. So the ones that have a lot of explosive jumping off the floor exercises just kill me. Both times I wanted to throw up by the time the second set was over. And today my dog found a beanie baby somewhere and started tearing it up on the floor right when I was doing it so there were 2934849484933 beads all over the floor while I was in the plank position.

    I think cardio plyo was my least favorite workout this week, and even though it's super hard, I liked pure cardio the best this week because even though I died all the way through it, when I got done I was like WOOOOOO I FEEL AMAZING! for hours afterward.