PEDALING GOADIES - Friday 02/10/2017

TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
This thread is for beginners, veterans, and in between. Be it street, trail, mountain, or stationary bikers, this thread is for all pedalers out there. Post your daily distances/experiences and benefits of being on the move. And HAVE FUN!!!!!


  • TimDumez
    TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
    I'm still in time-out! Can't wait to get back on..... lol
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    Have the day off today but it will be raining today. May hop on the hybrid and ride the 5 miles to get my car out of the shop. Kinda fun riding in the rain. Well not when I'm all kitted up and mud gets into my road bike comoponents. But on the hybrid might be fun!

    Some good group rides planned for Sat and Sun, so should be a good weekend for riding
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    Will ride around some wetland trails later today for an hour or so. Yesterday rode in driving rain to yoga and some extra miles on wetland trails (avoiding impassable flooded areas) for about an hour total.

    Yeah I too was riding my hybrid w fenders etc with full rain gear including booties yesterday. Today is looking promising without swim mask and snorkel. Teehee
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    Anyone own a KUAT bike rack?