Gluten & Dairy Free

april10472 Posts: 14 Member
I have had hashimoto's disease for well over 15 years and have been up and down trying to figure out the right medication. Finally, this past year I found found that worked!!! After years of feeling hopeful and lost my doctor prescribed me something that I noticed made me feel better. Even though I started to "feel" better I still struggled with my weight. I finally got to my highest weight and hit my bottom. I was out of options and the only thing I could do was get up and keep going. I decided one day I was going to cut all gluten and dairy products out of my diet. I actually started to notice a difference instantly. The inflammation in my body went down and it was easier to start losing weight. My stomach pains went away and I found that my new diet helped with my medication. It's been a few months now and I've lost about 40 pounds. I believe this new diet really helped jumpstart my weight lose. In recent months, overhead things that actually suggest that a gluten and dairy free diet help with this disease.


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    I'm too close to 70 to be bothered with all that stuff. My exclusions have included most veg and fruit because of my lack of enzymes due to my thyroid status and historic antibiotic use, causing salicylate sensitivity and more that my doctors did not understand, even an endo dismissed. Our nationally allowed tests did not pick up casein intolerance, everyone thinks it has to be lactose, never mind. Having addresses my permeable gut, my eliminations made it much more difficult, no olive or coconut oils, herbs and all that, said to be so good for the thyroid and more. I've now started using broad spectrum biotics and enzymes, mine includes one for phenol and I can now eat properly and live. I'm making full use of all my foods. Exclusions cause deficiencies.

    I'm glad you've found something which works for you. Its a good suggestion for those with, probably, more time than I have, to spend trying things out but I've been reduced for too many years, I want to live Now till I d... I feel healthier/younger now than I did at 30, even 20. It comes down to reading medical papers and reputable sites, even some good books are out there, then learning and doing what is right for you.

    But, thank you for sharing, it could help someone else.