Is fat loss at 51 possible

darlaannie Posts: 3 Member
edited February 2017 in Social Groups
I just turned 51 and I feel am pretty active when not at work. I do boot camp average 3 times a week and run 2 to 3 times a week. I have been in a slump because i do not see any results really. I just went to a weigh in and I weigh 205 and 40% body fat I am 5'7 I do not look like I would weigh that. I wear a size 14 in pants. My passion is running, but it is hard to run at the weight I am so I get discouraged and do not want to do it because it is so hard.
So with that said I want to loose fat and gain muscle. What is the best way to do that at my age.


  • darlaannie
    darlaannie Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you !
    I do have to say I have not been consistent with diet long term and the reason is I see no results on the scale. If I I could just see a 5 pound loss in a month I would be happy. I have changed my macros so hopefully that will help. I also plan to lift more. So we will see.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Some tips - use a scale, meet your protein goal in grams (use the % as a guide) and the rest will happen.
    Best wishes.
  • darlaannie
    darlaannie Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!
  • SalinitySally
    SalinitySally Posts: 258 Member
    Lift heavier, especially legs.
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    I'm 53, and YES it is possible with a calorie deficit and some self discipline (which I struggle with :# )...the OP of this thread is wonderful -

    Glad to know it's possible. :smiley:
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    It sounds like you haven't really been watching your diet. Unfortunately exercise is great for the body, but doesn't do a whole lot to take off weight. Especially if it makes you hungrier and you end up eating even more. Sounds like you are going to have to buckle down on your logging and weighing. But I've seen great results at your age and older. So good luck!!

    Oh, and since you are in the Strength Training group, I'm assuming you are looking to add a progressive strength training program to preserve muscle mass as you lose. It's great for you bones as well as we get older!

    Do you have a ST program u recommend @mom23mangos?
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    @Grnhouse, there are plenty of good programs out there. Strong Lifts is a favorite of many here, I've heard good things about Thinner, Stronger, Leaner. I'm old school and still really love Body For Life for beginners. It's great for people that need help with both nutrition and an exercise program. It's nothing special, it's a low fat, high protein, moderate carb diet, lots of water, alternate days of strength training and interval cardio. One rest and cheat day a week.

    The original book plugged a lot of supplements, but they are not necessary. You can get all the nutrition you need from real food. On the other hand, if pressed for time, there's nothing wrong with protein shakes and bars.
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    Thxs @mom23mangos. I'm goi g to ck out strong lifts. Lots of ppl seem to recommend hat one. I workout 4-5 days a week and I'm looking for a new challenge to help with the muscle tone I want. ;).
  • BulletProofSkim
    BulletProofSkim Posts: 83 Member
    I am 49, female, Australian, back here after an 18 month break. I'm a sugar addict and have RE-gained 25 kg (maybe more I'm too scared to actually weigh myself) but I'm currently a size 14-16 Australian - up from a size 10.
    Anyway, aiming today to get my mojo back, clean up my diet, aiming for 3 workouts a week and will log in here every day.

    I certainly hope fat loss is possible at this age!! I have no reason to think that it's not but I do believe it has a lot more to do with the food that we eat that makes a greater impact on fat loss. Add walking and weight lifting for exercise and it's been a perfect combination in the past - I am hoping that it will work for me again.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
    from Skim.