Simple Tricks to get in Shape!

revmethos Posts: 26 Member
#20 Become a Boxer
Boxing is a great workout that targets your core and problem areas, especially your hips, waist and belly.

#19 Ditch the Sugar
Sugar gets in the way of what your body does to naturally rid itself of excess fats and things that cause bloating. Avoid sugar
(even the gross substitutes) and you'll find that your body will start to increase glucagon, a hormone that eats away belly fat.

#18 Invest in Spanx
Think Spanx are only for your 70-year-old grandma? Think again. If you're feeling bloated or your stuff just isn't fitting right, turn to Spanx to give you that toned look.
(Not sure about this one for guys.. but hey.. if it works, don't fight it.. .lol)

#17 Live, Laugh, Love
Every wonder why a good laugh makes your sides hurt? It almost sounds too good to be true but laughing more can help you tone your tummy.

#16 Control Top Tights
Need a flat looking stomach for your big date tonight? When you're in a pinch, just throw on your favorite pair of control top pantyhose.
(Again, Not so sure about this for guys... lol)

#15 Lower Sodium Intake
Adding salt to your food is one of the easiest ways to cause bloating and other nasty side effects. Cut it out for a week and see how much looser your clothes fit. It might not be easy to avoid it but the results will definitely make it worth it.

#14 Cardio
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as spot reducing. If you want a flat stomach, cardio is one of the best ways to get it.

#13 Lean Mean Meats
Lean meats like turkey and chicken are filled with protein without all of the fat found in red meats. They ward off fat and help fight cravings.

#12 Skip the Junk
Not sure what is junk food and what is not? Look at the ingredients in the foods you’re going to eat. If there are some you can’t pronounce or understand, chances are you shouldn't be eating them if you’re trying to lose that muffin top.

#11 Drink More Milk
Milk is a great tool for dieters. It helps to speed up the weight loss process and produces healthier muscles. Calcium has also been linked to aiding in weight loss.
(Looks like I need to make an adjustment for myself.. I have almost cut out all milk...... Time to rethink)

#10 Eat More Beans
Beans are a magical fruit indeed, they help fight obesity, burn fat, build muscle and even regulate digestion. The same thing happens when consuming legumes like peas or peanuts.

#9 Get Enough Sleep
Did you know that sleep deprivation slows your metabolism? It’s hard to balance work, home and extra activities but it’s worth it to get at least eight hours if you want those flat abs.

#8 Have Some Soy
Victoria Beckham made magazine headlines when she revealed the secret to her tiny frame was her love of soy. Soy is rich in antioxidants and protein.

#7 Leafy Greens
There is more than one reason to start bringing a spinach salad for lunch if you’re trying to lose the belly. They help lower the factors that result in obesity while neutralizing free radicals.

#6 Very Berry
Berries are often rich in fiber and by consuming fruits like strawberries, you can help maintain sugar levels (which affect belly fat) and reduce cravings for junk food.

#5 Strength Training
Your core muscles can make or break that slim waist you've been longing for. Make sure to add a few strength training exercises (like push-ups, leg lifts or lunges) to your cardio workouts.

4 An Apple a Day
Apples are rich in nutrients, fiber and water, keeping you full longer.They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but lucky for us, it also keeps the belly fat away!

#3 Portion Control
Some studies say that switching to several smaller meals throughout the day instead of three will aid in keeping away belly fat but what really helps is maintaining portion control. It doesn't matter if you choose to eat three meals or several snacks throughout the day as long as your portions are reasonable.

#2 The Incredible Egg
In addition to being rich in protein, they also contain a great deal of amino acids which are helpful to everything from healthy brain function to muscle building.

#1 Eat More Almonds
They contain protein and fiber which are great for keeping fat from storing. They are rich in magnesium which helps reduce cravings by maintaining blood sugar levels.