Weekly Check In: Feb. 19 to Feb. 25

Sorry everyone! Life got a little crazy haha
Glad to see everyone is doing well :)
This week I am trying to reel back in my eating. The weekend was horrible and I ate WAY too much, but I am not upset about it. I am back home for a week to see my family, so I was ust enjoying myself ;)

Time to get back on the train!


  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    Very odd week. At the beginning of the week the scale jumped up a lot! I have been able to drop it back down again by the end of the week. Had my best week recently all around in terms of exercise, eating, water, sleep etc. I did a little research to see how the loss of a loved one can impact your health etc. It was very interesting as I could relate to a lot of what was on the list. Saturday and Sunday will be the test for me. I am in a pretty good groove Monday-Friday. Here is to a weekend with wise choices.