Less Dairy, More Veggies! Lactose Intolerant.

I'd love to find a way to cut out more diary products for fat and incorporate more veggies I guess with added butter (?). What are some of the most nutritious dishes you've done without dairy? Like I stated above, I am lactose intolerant, so this diet has been a little tricky!


  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 104 Member
    Hm.. that's really hard. I have cream cheese and cheese with everything. You could do chorizo, bell pepper, onion, (mushroom-i never use this, but a friend of mine loves it), cabbage, meat (you can make with or without)...i always add cream cheese to mine and jalapeno pepper. That has your fats and veggies in it. A go to, easy quick meal for me!
  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 104 Member
    Also...i get my more of my fats from the coconut oil..i only add butter-kerryGold to my bulletproof coffee....i have yet to add it to my foods.