PEDALING GOADIES - Monday 02/27/2017

TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
This thread is for beginners, veterans, and in between. Be it street, trail, mountain, or stationary bikers, this thread is for all pedalers out there. Post your daily distances/experiences and benefits of being on the move. And HAVE FUN!!!!!


  • TimDumez
    TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
    Rode NordicTrack recumbent stationary bike 12.5 miles yesterday...
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    Got in nice 13 miler on trails Sat on cyclocross bike and rode 10 miles to WW meeting Sun on heavy hybrid.
  • klmackey893
    klmackey893 Posts: 118 Member
    8.5 miles yesterday on the hybrid and 7 miles to work this morning. Road bike is in for its annual check up but with the snow/ice then warm temps the road conditions are not road bike friendly this time of year. Need the studded tires today as part of the trail was not fully clear.
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    Rained out yesterday.