March (Stop the) Madness



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    So sorry for your loss, Mihani. Take care & drive safe.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys,

    Mihani - oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle :( What day is the funeral scheduled? I hope it's okay and not crazy work-wise, you don't need that on top of everything else. Hopefully one of your colleagues will offer a little extra help to cover you :(

    Aww Karrie sorry to hear about your little kitty, but I was also hearing his sweet purring in my head. Hope he's almost back to his normal self now! Poor little guy, they're so defenseless. I am nearly counting the days now! It's crazy, less than 8 weeks now. I can't believe how fast it's going. I'm starting to totally freak also lol. Panicking a bit about leaving work behind (even though fortunately my Dad says he isn't worrying about me being gone) and also just at the idea that my life will do a total 180 shortly lol. It's such a funny concept. How were your labours, Karrie?

    Carla, you're always so ambitious lol. Glad to hear about the happy coincidence about the weight too! Not about the gallbladder though. Are you noticing it improving at all lately?

    Thinking about you guys! Especially since I need more greens in my daily life lol. xo

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Mihani, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle :( Safe travels. *big hug*

    Karrie, thanks for the offer of help! I love your projects on ravelry! I might be asking you about some of them in the future if you don't mind. I started my sock over from scratch and did a much better job of the cuff and leg. I'm about to re-embark on the heel.

    Lia, it is great that your dad is ready to handle things and you won't need to worry about work. I can't imagine how it would feel to be in your shoes right now. I am so excited and happy for you!

    My gallbladder hasn't been triggered in a while, so it is getting better. I'm happy about that. I really don't want to have to have it removed.

    I can see little signs of spring all around on our property, and I'm starting to look forward to setting up our garden and cleaning up our yard after a crazy winter. So many branches came down around the property, and many are so large that we need to buy a chainsaw so we can chop them up and fit them in the pickup.

    I'm also ready to be able to work in the shop with the garage doors open as I paint.

    Still 3 more kitchen towels to weave and then hem. To reduce yarn waste, all towels are done one after the other without removing them from the loom. It does reduce yarn waste but it also makes for a long wait before you can see how things have really turned out!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    liapr wrote: »
    How were your labours, Karrie?

    You don't wanna know. :wink: JK. I had back labour with my DD (all the pain was in my back). It was long, too. The first baby usually takes longer for your body to do everything it needs to do. I started having contractions about 11pm. Nothing serious, so I *tried* to sleep. (ha!) Went to the hospital in the morning, and they checked me and then sent me home. I wasn't dilated enough. About 1pm, I started having REAL contractions (ouch!) and then went back to the hospital soon after that. But my daughter wasn't born until 10:40pm!! It was a very long 24 hours, but you really do forget the pain almost as soon as you see that sweet little face.

    My son was a totally different story. All the pain was in the bottom front of my belly, and I thought I would rip open (think: Alien). My contractions started right around 9am, and he was born by 12:30. Yikes! The speed made it really hard to stay focused and calm. It was a whirlwind!!

    But I'd have 2 more if I could... Can't convince the DH, though... :blush:

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Karrie, thanks for the offer of help! I love your projects on ravelry! I might be asking you about some of them in the future if you don't mind. I started my sock over from scratch and did a much better job of the cuff and leg. I'm about to re-embark on the heel.

    Thanks! Feel free to ask away; I'm on ravelry a lot (too much!) The community on there is SO helpful when you have questions - I LOVE it!!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Been a rough few days... I sort of let myself sink into grief and work is still really busy and stressful so I was sort of in and out of rational lol. I am better now. I was really wondering if I should even go to the funeral with all the stuff going on at work, but I realized that my guilt of not seeing family at this time would outweigh the guilt of not working on Sunday. The work guilt and stress is perpetual anyway.

    My food has been erratic. Not even worth going into. Either not eating or eating junky stuff, but dinners have been decent... hummus wraps. Boss leaves for vacation in 3 more days so we're going to remain super busy until then, but then maybe I can have some breathing room and catch up a bit. So I may be a bit scarce still the next few days. Going to plan a cooking marathon and restock my freezer soups and make some other things this weekend.

    I have some work to finish tonight that I brought home so I best be off.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    It sounds so stressful for you right now, Mihani. I hope you can fit it all in and manage to hang in there.

    The weather has been much nicer here lately and suddenly it is spring! I think I'm going to have to change gears and start spending some time working in the yard. It is healthier but after a long winter it is hard to get back into it. I have so many indoor projects that I'm in the middle of and many more that I still want to do.

    My birthday is tomorrow and tonight we're going out for dinner with with Joe's dad and his dad's wife. They are treating us at one of my favorite places to eat. It is right on the harbor with fantastic views and excellent food.

    I have to run. I'm doing some boring data entry work and I have to push through it so I'm not stuck doing it tomorrow.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Happy birthday, CARLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay that is awesome. What delicious food are you going to have tonight? It's my Mom's birthday on Sunday so we are doing celebrations tomorrow night actually. Hope you have a nice night out, you deserve it :)

    It's funny, I don't nearly have the same property as you Carla and I was thinking about how nice it was to get out of the habit of doing any yard work lol. And how busy the weekends still feel! I guess it's like anything. I have been trying to say yes to lots of social things while it's still a bit easier to but I find I am feeling super burned out, and I just want to hibernate at home again.

    Mihani, sorry to hear it's been such a crap couple of weeks. Ugh. I hope you get to fit in that cooking marathon too, just to feel like you're on top of the food stuff is a nice feeling. Also fit in some relaxation time though too. You really need it! Self care, self care, self care... lol.

    Karrie thanks for sharing your labour stories! I find it interesting to hear them, even though they are SO varied from woman to woman, so really the end lesson is that there is no planning for anything lol. Our instructor told us that for baby #1, the average labour time is 18 hours. Kill me now lol. It's worth it, right?!?!

    It's nice and a bit warmer here now too! It puts me in an instant better mood, just knowing that the worst of winter seems to be behind us (even though it was much better than usual for us). Hope you guys all have nice weekends with some down time and sun! <3
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Okay I made it through the week! I am not going to the office tomorrow, at least I don’t think so. I will decide in the morning, but I’m honestly exhausted. I went to the grocery on the way home and got lots of veggies and fruit. I always have rolled oats, beans, canned diced tomatoes, etc. around so I’m good there, but I’m prepped to go full on 6 week plan strict ETL starting Sunday. Tonight I’m making the OSG black bean butternut squash burritos. I have been craving them! So good, and pretty ETL friendly other than a little daiya and a tiny bit of olive oil. I have made them without the daiya and still really good, but I’m adding it tonight. I also add chopped kale which isn’t in the original recipe.

    My family here wasn’t able to go to the funeral but we did make the calling hours last Sunday. I was overwhelmed at the number of people who were there to pay respects, the line never diminished in 4 hours. It made me think about you don’t have to be a big wheel to have a big impact on your community. My uncle was much loved by a lot of people, including me.

    I will catch up more on your posts tomorrow. I want to stay home and work on laundry, cleaning, prepping veggies for the next few days. I think some napping and reading will be on the agenda as well.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Karrie, hope your kitty is doing better.

    Lia, so glad your dad is supportive of you being away from work. It is coming up so fast now.

    Carla, congrats on the weight loss. How are the socks coming along? Happy belated birthday!! Hope you had a nice dinner.

    I stayed home yesterday, did a little cooking, lots of reading and napping, some laundry, a little dog hair removal from the floors. I read something the other day that labs only shed twice a year… January to June, and July to December. That is so true!

    Went to the office today for about 5 hours, got through some stuff. Still a long way to go but I have all week plus Saturday to do some catching up while the boss is gone. Going to finish a little more laundry and prep my salad fixins’ for the week. I have beets and carrots to run through the shredder, and need to clean and chop romaine.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Happy birthday, Carla!

    Mihani, kitty is just fine. He has healed and his shaved belly hair is almost regrown (about halfway). He was completely fine; I was just going straight to worst-case scenario in my mind... :wink:

    I find that I'm just not motivated right now to go full-on food prep and exercise. I've been half-as#ing it for weeks. Grr. I just want to find that zone where it's all easy. Where did that go?!?

    I'm gonna share my latest knitting project; just finished it yesterday. A very, VERY long wrap/scarf. And it's got kitty's stamp of approval. :smiley:

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Love that wrap Karrie... you always use such fun colors too.

    Better day, not 100% but close enough for horseshoes or hand grenades.

    B - smoothie with water, spinach, 2 dates, chia seeds, banana, a couple drops of vanilla, a little cinnamon
    L - big ol' salad with romaine, shredded beets and carrots, grape tomatoes, sunflower seeds, nooch, chickpeas, balsamic
    D - maple ginger tofu, quinoa, garlicky kale
    S - apple, couple cups of popcorn

    I have been experimenting with apples lately, buying a couple each of different varieties as I see them appearing in the grocery. I had an ambrosia today which was really good. Also have tried Jazz, Lady Alice, Kanzi. I'm enjoying the different notes of flavor and crispness each one has. I usually just buy gala or fuji, and honeycrisp when they are around, so this has been fun trying out new ones.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Karrie!! That wrap! I love it! Did you follow a pattern or make it up yourself? Is the striping in the same green? It looks like it but I can't tell for sure. I like the design in the solid areas.

    Mihani, as soon as you started mentioning apples, I was reading through to see if you've tried Honeycrisp yet. Those are my favorite! We want to plant one in our orchard this year. This area is great for growing them.

    I don't know if it is the spring weather or what, but I'm starting to crave fresh salads again! Now if I can get myself back into the morning smoothies and have a salad every day for lunch I'll be doing pretty good.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    LOVE that wrap, Karrie! I love the shape of it too. Looks so versatile. Your kitten is sooooo cute. More pictures!! I am with you, I just can't bring myself to go crazy right now. My food prep is pretty half-@ssed for sure, but I've still got healthy lunches everyday and mostly healthy dinners and breakfasts too, but too many instances of "toast for dinner" too lol. And cookies for snacks! Ahh. I have been craving more and more veggies and fruit though, so that's nice and entertaining. Maybe with the nicer weather too...

    We had so many honeycrisp this past month or two that I'm kind of sick of them at the moment! We also paid an arm and a leg for them it seemed because they obviously weren't available locally lol. Carla, that would be so cool to have your own tree!!! Ahh delicious. What are your first veggies and fruits for this spring you think? How was your bday celebration?

    My sister and my Mom are throwing me a baby shower this saturday, and I offered my place to host! Which may have been a mistake. They are doing so much for it though, and we have a cleaner coming on Friday, but still, I've been having that panic of "what does my house actually look like to strangers?!" lately and been going crazy trying to put up pictures and art that we've had around for 7 months but done nothing with... Also, trying to put finishing touches on the nursery and what not. I figure at least this way I'm motivated to have everything ready nice and early for the baby!

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    B - Coconut yogurt, granola, strawberries and blackberries
    L - big salad with shredded carrots, orange pepper, pumpkin seeds, and a white balsamic vinaigrette (I'm going to try for more variety next time like yours, Mihani!)
    D - unplanned (uh oh)
    S - orange, canteloupe, and ... a client dropped off muffins at our office...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I hope you have a great baby shower Lia! Your food looks great, good healthy stuff for baby and you!

    Can't recall how much acreage you bought Carla, looking forward to your orchard reports this summer and fall.

    Three days left before boss gets back from vacation. I have been plowing through work but the stuff comes in as fast as I can get through it. I really hope the next few days continue to be productive. It has been fairly quiet at least, a lot of people are on vacation this time of year with spring break for their kids.

    I have leftover roasted sweet potato, roasted asparagus and quinoa for tonight, and roasting some chickpeas. I may throw together a simple lemon tahini dressing to throw over top. The asparagus is pretty much my favorite. I whip up a tiny bit of sesame oil (like less than half a tsp), garlic, soy sauce, ginger. Roll the asparagus around in the mixture on foil lined baking sheet, sprinkle with sesame seeds, roast until tender but still a little crisp. Delicious. I even like to munch on them cold leftover.

    B - running late so just had some amazing grass in a shaker cup with water
    L - big 'ol salad
    D - aforesaid leftovers
    S - some popcorn, 2 dates, 5 cashews (weird I know, but the dates and cashews are an awesome little energy boost snack)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Only 2 more days left before boss returns, still really trying to catch up on some stuff but it's crazy. I have made some progress, but it's like bailing a boat with multiple holes, the piles of stuff to do never seem to diminish for more than a minute.

    B - amazing grass shaken with water, a banana
    L - didn't take time to prep salad stuff last night so I had leftover quinoa, sweet potatoes, roasted chickpeas, asparagus, with lemon tahini dressing
    D - hummus wrap with lots of lettuce, red pepper, cucumber
    S - skinny pop, a couple dates

    Almost time to start thinking about an April title. Anybody have inspiration?
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mihani, that asparagus sounds delicious! Yum. I always make it the same basic way - roasted with a tiny bit of oil and a tiny bit of sea salt! I love asparagus though. I'm going to have to try out your way soon..

    How are you feeling re boss coming back? I can't tell whether you need another lawyer or another 5 clerks!!! OMG. It's neverending. Your boss must be happy it's busy but there is definitely a limit lol. What are you up to this weekend?

    I was bragging to my Mom last week about how I haven't been sick yet this entire pregnancy.. and bam, I have a terrible cold! It went from zero to 100 in a day! Of course right before my shower lol. Oh well. I just feel bad for my clients today, I look a little like a pregnant junkie lmao.

    Hmmm.... Athletic in April (HA!), April (over)Achievers, Apples in April (hehe) = sorry these are pretty bad!

    Happy weekend guys!!!!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I like Athletic in April!! :sweat_smile:

    April 1 (tomorrow), I am starting my daily walks, which will morph into daily runs over the course of the next 2 months. I am going to do it every single morning no matter what until I WANT to do it every single morning. By the end of the summer, I'll be a lean running machine!

    I've asked my hubby for help cooking so I can stay on top of my nutrition. I might recruit my mom's help to to prepare me a soup each week (she loves making homemade soups - it's kind of her thing). I'm going to wash and cut and pre-portion veggies in the fridge every Sunday so they're ready to go whenever I need them. And I'm going to prep all my smoothie fruit/spinach into portions in the freezer so they're always ready to go too.

    I'm going to haul-a#s instead of doing it half-a#ssed... :wink:

    Goals for April: 20 lbs lost and between 4 and 6 sprints during my walks.
    Goals for May: 15 lbs lost and between 10 and 12 sprints during my walks.
    Goals for June: 10 lbs lost and at least one 10km run (nonstop).
    Goals for July: 5 lbs lost and at least one 10km run every week.
    Goals for August: No weight goal (I'll still have about 10-15 lbs to lose, but my ultimate goals are about how my clothes are fitting), and at least two 10km runs every week.

    And then I'm going to register for a fall half marathon and maybe a zombie run; if I can find one nearby.. :smiley:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I like Athletic in April too.

    Lia, I think we do need to do something at the office. I’m just too overwhelmed anymore. I am doing too much and starting to slip and always scrambling to cover deadlines and get things done. It’s making me really unhappy. I hope you are feeling better for the baby shower tomorrow, and that you get some cool stuff for baby.

    Great goals Karrie, and great ideas with the smoothies and veggies. I think I’ll do that with my smoothie ingredients too. Do you blanch the spinach or anything before you freeze it or is it fine frozen fresh? I remember when you did that Tough Mudder, I don’t know how you made it through! I need to make my food prep a couple times a week top priority too.

    B – sprouted grain toast with avocado
    L – teriyaki veggies and noodles
    D – hummus quesadilla
    S – lara bar, will have a couple glasses of wine at a neighbor’s house tonight

    Too much in the way of starches today. Always my biggest challenge. Going to work all day tomorrow, and will probably go in for at least a few hours on Sunday.

    Going to make a batch of the Golden Spiced Lentil Soup this weekend and prep salad stuff.