M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!



  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,957 Member
    edited April 2017
    Walked to the gym 1.5 miles
    Bench press 1 x 10 @ 45 lb, 1 x 10 @ 55 lb, 1 x 5 @ 65 lb, felt wobbly so went to db bench press instead
    1 x 5, 1 x 4, 3 x 5 @ 32.5 lb dbs better than last time
    OHP 5 x 5 @ 30 lb my shoulders won't improve
    Close grip lat pulldowns 1 x 10 @ 60 lb, 2 x 8 @ 70 lb
    Deadlifts 2 x 5 @ 95 lb. Having trouble because the bar pulls my shoulders forward when I lean over. I try and pull back but my shoulders won't go.
    My upper body is too weak even though my legs can pull up.

    Question: how to do deadlifts at weights higher than barbell rows if the barbell pulls your shoulders forward?

    Goblet squats 5 x 5 @ 47.5 lb
    Barbell rows 5 x 5 @ 70 lb
    Lateral arm raises 3 x 12 @ 7.5 lb

    Walked back 1.5 miles. too tired to walk extra.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    um, so amy i'm being all worrywart but do you have enough friction to feel okay in just socks? dunno why i worry considering i've done it myself, but i already know how nice and sweaty mine are by the time i'm relying on them to hold onto the floor.

    @lpducky - shinbox is actually a glute/hip/low back stretch like a far more comfortable version of the pigeon pose. the name comes from how you set up with your shins at 90% to each other, so i don't think it would help your thing much.

    is your soreness just in a specific spot? if so it might be the insertion point of your quad muscles that's actually reacting, so quad stretching might be more helpful. if not that, then i guess whichever of the shin muscles is on the inside. i'm guessing pretty wildly here so don't let me confuse the problem for you.

    if you squat with a 'deep' ankle angle, then i'm guessing it's the shin muscle. otoh, if you keep fairly vertical shins then i think that's more of a quad thing. wish i could help more than that. when i started lifting i spent hours on google just entering the name of the latest thing that was giving me grief, and then trying to put the picture together myself by looking at all the muscles within the ballpark. and of course, trigger points are a thing.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    so, my workout. i don't think i said out loud that last saturday i was minding my own business at the bus stop with a gallon of milk in my backpack, and one of the straps gave way. psa to EVERYONE not to use cheap backpacks, or if you do not to carry anythign heavy in them. i had to do an emergency chiro visit a few days later and he said one of my neck vertebrae was really locked.

    so still sore and a little bit iffy when i went to t-day today. mr t was enormously entertained by my 'milk injury' but that didn't stop us from putting my scheduled 1's week numbers up on the board . . . and i did them \o/

    both of them were pr's. well, the press was a match to my existing pr at 67, but i believe i got two reps. and the deadlift was one pound over at 172 . . . and i got three reps. so idk, maybe the trick is to carry heavy loads in cheap backpacks and spend the extra money on chiropractors? either way, i'm half stoked and half relieved, and kind of impressed with myself.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited April 2017
    Stronglifts workout today!

    5x5 squats 130 (WU 1x5 bodyweight, bar, 65, 95, 115)
    54555 OH 50 - still working on form
    1x5 DL 155! (WU: 1x5 85, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145)

    Went with a friend to comment on my form. He pointed out I wasn't bracing my abs enough on the squats and deadlifts. I think the valsalva technique helped me get the weights that have been bugging me this week. I also switched my squat grip from holding the bar to a thumbless grip because I was getting a lot of wrist pain. Also still working on forward leaning, and now depth as I add on more weights. Did lots of warmups with earlier weights before I went onto my working set.

    All in all a very productive session with lots of adjustments.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Easier gym day for last workout of March. I worked at the other store, then had a lot of time since couldn't leave until sister got done with her internship. The gym didn't close this time, so I could get it all done. Yay for dry sauna!


    ohp/push press - 1x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, pp 3x6 @ 75
    side lateral raise - 2x10 @ 12.5
    front plate raise - 2x10 @ 25
    bent over lat raise - 2x10 @ 10
    preacher curl - 2x10 @ 10
    dry sauna for 20 minutes
    walk on treadmill for an hour, 40 minutes at 4 incline and 3.0 speed, rest gradual lowering of incline
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Canadian, thanks for asking. I do actually feel like I was nice and stable, and I think kicking off my shoes actually made me proceed with slightly more caution knowing that even the slight "protection" of my sneakers was gone. The whole weight lifting area has a rubbery floor covering and a handful of people go shoeless for squats and DL. I appreciated feeling like I could spread my toes a bit more, and I think that added freedom allowed me to hit depth a tiny bit easier. Fortunately my feet didn't get too sweaty, so I don't think it'll be a problem. I'll probably still try to find a set of gym shoes when I have more money, but the budget is tight right now so socks beat constant blisters.

    I hope your neck feels better!
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