Success Stories! Please share, really would love to hear them.

buglesalmoncatgirl Posts: 43 Member
edited March 2017 in Social Groups
Hi there.

How are you all doing? I hope life treats you well.

I'm a new member of the 5:2 group. After plenty of diet blunders, I am hoping this is something I can make work. Originally I was going to try the Every Other Day Diet, but my super powers are not at that level...yet.

I hope to discover that 5:2 is reasonable, enjoyable, and yields results!

If you're willing to give me your personal success story, that would be quite inspiring.

Also, what makes this better and/or more effective than simply taking in the week's worth of calories divided by 7 every day? (i.e. 1200 calories or 1400 calories per day, whatever the average works out to be).


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Being one of the active oldies here, I'll start...

    I'm 47, 157cm and started 5:2 in May 2013. After lifelong obesity I reached the normal category in January 2014. I've continued 5:2 and use it as a tool to keep my weight down.

    Restricting daily was never a sustainable option for me. So 5:2 was a very welcome idea. I was a 'healthy' fat person, but I still noticed that I get sick even less often than before. My blood work and bp were ok but on the high end. After weightloss everything came down into a the very good range.

    I lost 29kg. Went from 86kg to 57kg in a bit over a year. Held that for 1.5yrs. Then had a difficult time and 5kg crept back on. I've been maintaining at 62-64kg for a while. Still there but slowly trending downwards again. 57kg would be great but ill be very happy with numbers under 60.

    Important for me is that 5:2 is a lifelong tool not a diet for me. Combined with exercise I achieved something, I didn't think possible....a European size 36-38...

    Going for a run now.

    Stick with it if fasting suits you. Sometimes results are slow. But the fasting also gives you other benefits.
  • buglesalmoncatgirl
    buglesalmoncatgirl Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing.
    I just got through my first fast day yesterday and I love it so far.
    I'm keen to discover this can be a lifestyle.

    Hope you enjoyed the run! Very inspiring stuff. :)
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Hi Catgirl!! My story mimics Flumi. I'm 47 and have been on a diet most of my life. I've done them all, like most people. I started 5:2 just before Christmas in 2014. I'd been close to my highest weight of 182 and I'd say I'd lost most of my weight by summer, around 40 lbs. I've stuck with it and continue to fast 2 days a week. Currently, I'm about 5 lbs over where my weight has settled. I'd like to get to 135, but my body seems to love the 145 range, so I kind of try but I don't get too crazy about it. This way of life works for me because daily deprivation didn't. It's the only thing that has given me lasting and consistent results. I am especially motivated by the fact that there are other non-weight-related benefits to fasting. I am plant-based, which makes non FD easier since I can eat a ton of veggies for 500 cals. I have not been super strict with this plan and have still lost weight. Weight loss for me was slow and steady and focusing on each FD helped me mentally to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of how much weight I wanted to lose.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hi, I am just starting this plan. Love reading these types of stories.
    My boyfriend and I started this WOE together yesterday and had our first light day yesterday. So far so good. We are really liking it. :)
    Both of us are have been battling our weight since our High School years and are in our mid to late forties. Hoping this is THE plan that works. Happy to have found this little group on MFP!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    erindk1007 wrote: »
    I don't have a massive success story yet, but I've been steadily on 5:2 for 6 weeks and have lost 12 pounds. Pretty excited about that, but I have a long way to go.

    That's awesome! Congrats erindk1007 ;)
  • Thinking of starting 5:2 fast diet
  • helencollinsuk
    helencollinsuk Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on day 2 and using MFP to help me track. I'm really feeling positive
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    edited April 2017
    Welcome Fivefootcaloriecounter - feel free look around and read up. Ask questions if you have any! We hope you join us!

    Hi HelencollinsUK - Glad it is going well for you!

    I am a newbie as well. Looks like its has been a few weeks for me based on what I typed above! Time is flying by.
    Still feeling really good and positive. Weight is coming off and the light days are really not bad at all. Just takes a little planning ahead so you get the best bang for your buck for your calories on those days. I prefer to skip breakfast (never was a big breakfast person). I have my coffee and then have a salad for lunch and a light dinner. Water and green tea all day. Boom next thing you know the day is over. Weight comes off!
    On my non-light days for now I am also keeping track of my calories with MFP because I am really looking to get this weight off and stay in control, especially on the weekends.

    Have a good day all. :)
  • helencollinsuk
    helencollinsuk Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Meghan. I am not on day 9, I lost a staggering 8lbs in the 1st week, don't even ask me how! Just on my 2nd fast day this week, decided to do 2 days back to back. The changes for me so far....more energy, little snacking, getting outta habits like watching tv at night with a treat, I sleep like a baby and my clothes are already looser! I am gonna weigh myself every 2 weeks so hopefully I see the lbs come off at the next weigh in. So far so good! Good luck with your journey, sounds like you are doing excellent!
  • 06cindy
    06cindy Posts: 81 Member
    5 2 is great for me because on maintenance calorie days I do my hard exercise like kickboxing and CrossFit. Having enough fuel in my tank those days has allowed me to push harder and lift heavier then when I was eating a deficit every day of the week. Also I've discovered a bigger weekly deficit is much easier to reach on the 5 2 then simply eating less each day. Best of luck to you!
  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    Hi I am really new to this and have been looking at the 5:2 diet for a few weeks now.
    Can I ask what is the calorie in take people eat on none fasting days? Is there a rule for none fasting days?
  • 06cindy
    06cindy Posts: 81 Member
    edited April 2017
    hnyzthms wrote: »
    Hi I am really new to this and have been looking at the 5:2 diet for a few weeks now.
    Can I ask what is the calorie in take people eat on none fasting days? Is there a rule for none fasting days?

    I can't speak for what others are doing, but with any WOE how many calories to eat will depend on your goals. To lose weight you have to eat at a deficit, and this may be different for others but here is how I'm slowly losing a few pounds with 5:2. First I calculated calories I needed for 7 days of maintenance. For me is it about 12,000 calories a week. Eating at or around maintenance 5 days plus 2 fasting days makes my total for the week about 10,000 calories. So over a week I'm eating about a 2,000 calorie deficit and losing just under a pound a week. After week two the scale showed a 1 lbs loss. I've only got a small amount of fat to lose so this method so far is working great. I love the maintenance days and can manage two days a week of low calories. Good luck!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    hnyzthms wrote: »
    Hi I am really new to this and have been looking at the 5:2 diet for a few weeks now.
    Can I ask what is the calorie in take people eat on none fasting days? Is there a rule for none fasting days?


    Welcome! We hope you join us. :) I was also really curious about what to eat on non light days and didn't really find that there was any major rule on it. I read on Dr. Mosley's 5:2 board that a lot of people eat at their TDEE level which is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure: When you exercise or simply expend energy through physical activity, you burn additional calories. When you combine your BMR (Basal Metobolic Rate) with the calories you burn through physical activity, you get your TDEE. Google to Calculate and find more info your TDEE and BMR.

    What I find works for me is I use MFP to eat around 1500 calories a day on my non light days. MFP calculated that for my body to lose 2 pounds a week I would need eat 1500 a week and that is with exercise. I find I eat a little less than that and I exercise. Which gives me a buffer for dinners out on the weekend or some alcohol, etc. I have more fat to lose so I wanted a more aggressive plan for now and this is helping me lose around two to three pounds a week. Maybe more now that I have upped my exercise. :)

    Hope that helps!
  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    Hi starting this week thanks for all the advice. I have 14 weeks to lose 14 lb minimum starting weight 163lb
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good for you! Glad you are starting! I see I made an error in my second sentence and it is too late for me to edit it. I eat 1500 calories a day on my non light days. Definitely not 1500 a week! That would be too low. :o You get the idea. LOL

    Good luck and welcome!!