I'm staring a 5:2

blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
edited March 2017 in Social Groups
I've done a 20:4 with some 16:8s sprinkled in for a long time. I've lost 42 lbs. I've never limited calories and ate tell full in eating window. I work out 5-days/week and am taking protein supps to keep up with the workouts. Lately I've taken blood glucose readings in the mornings and they are high (120's). I experimented and if I eat my protein supps but go low carb, or don't eat protein supps and eat carbs, my morning blood glucose is normal. If I eat carbs and eat the protein (eating 2000-2500 cals in a four hour eating window), my morning blood glucose is high. So I'm switching to a kind of a 5:2 type diet but being restrictive on my 5-eating days. I usually had a hard time eating too much doing that and that is why I did the 20:4 but I seem to have gained a lot more discipline doing the 20:4 that is carrying over to the 5:2. My current schedule is:


Lost 1-lb last week and will see how this week works out. I'm also thinking about the following:


Not eating dinner on Tues and Sat nights to get a longer fast in. I may try that later after I get used to this.

When I was doing 20:4 6-days/week, I would eat a protein drink, eat a large salad, then eat a small dinner and a desert usually. Now I've just moved the protein drink for my breakfasts (2-3 scoops whey protein and a piece of fruit), lunch is now the salad (protein, cheese, and little oil with it), and then for dinner I just eat a small dinner and maybe small desert portion. I also eat a couple of pieces of fruit between break and lunch or between lunch and dinner. My blood sugar has been good doing this so far (105 or better in the mornings).