Crossfit Exercise

Does anyone know the best way to track crossfit exercise on this app. I figured since it's a clean eating group that there may be others who are doing crossfit.


  • knmorris85
    knmorris85 Posts: 14 Member
    I do Crossfit but I don't track exercise calories with MFP :/ I figure out my own TDEE (there are lots of calculators to help you if you Google!) and then set my goals based on that (not eating back exercise calories or anything). I train 5 days a week and I eat a little bit fewer calories on my rest days (and a bit extra on training days) but other than that I haven't figured out a way to track with MFP..
  • gamespriteicon
    gamespriteicon Posts: 66 Member
    I am more beginner, go when co-workers go, have only done 4 months in fall of 2015. We are planning on starting up again soon. For tracking here is what I learned as far as options:

    - There are apps, but I am too busy getting it done to play with the phone especially when we are using the timer/tabata workouts, so those are a no go for me unless I go back and populate them later.

    - You can log each individual workout under Strength Training (calories are not estimated) / Cardio (rowing, running ect..) (calories are estimated). Either at gym or after with a notebook.

    - My go to is a Weekly Planner is better for crossfit, free space to write any extra notes and faster and easier to use at gym. Unless you are pre-loading workouts before you go. We would have days where we would go of plan so found paper and pen to be best.

    - As for calorie tracking I have a Fitbit and just let it log whatever it catches.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    Been doing CrossFit for a bit over 2 years and I stopped trying to accurately calculate my caloroie burns a long while ago. When I first started I tracked for about 3 months using a HR strap and Polar M400. Understanding fully the issues with trying to use a HR monitor to track calorie burns doing anything other than steady state cardio (I've been flamed enough in the forms for not posting that disclaimer) over that period I found I burned between 400 and 1200 calories per 60 minute session depending on how much cardio there was (i.e. Murph would be 1200 at least if not higher). So now I do two things-

    1. I use TDEE to calculate what I should eat (as knmorris85 posted). Here is may favorite site for doing so -
    2. For tracking/information only, I add a custom cardio exercise I created for CrossFit and I enter a guess as to what I burned. I know on average I burn about 600 calories in an hour of CF, then I adjust up or down depending on how much cardio type activity there was. I am a Premium member, so I can set MFP to not include these calories in my daily goal (since TDEE already has an average burn built in). If I was not Premium, I'd either not log it, or log it and enter it as 1 calorie so friends would see that I do actually excercise (if they didn't already from my posting my daily CF workout...first rule of about CF :smile: