Best Keto Cheats?

MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
I am 15 days into Keto. I originally committed to 14 days with a "cheat" on the night of the 14th day.

I know the value of cheat meals is debated. For this discussion, I would appreciate if you would not debate whether they are needed - because I know, mentally, I need them!

After I ate my cheat last night (Halo Top & pork rinds), I realized I hadn't done any research on the best keto cheats. I research the heck out of the diet in general but forgot that part! I typically try for under 20g of net carbs. Yesterday, I ate about 50g of net carbs.

The good news is that it didn't mess up how I feel on keto. I still woke up without feeling hungry and feel the same as I did every other day. I gained .2 lbs but that was probably the crazy salty pork rinds!

If you have a cheat meal, what are your favorite keto cheats? What is the maximum number of carbs you will eat in a day where you have a cheat meal? How often do you have a cheat meal?



  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Great questions! I haven't had a cheat meal yet. Well, this go around. When I "cheated" to celebrate my mom's birthday, it totally threw me off track and I struggled greatly to get myself back on track. Which wasn't body related but all my mind. I'm interested to see what responses you get.