Back to square 1

My Name is Katie. I am 30 years old and have been over weight all my life. Massivly over weight. Before I got pregnant with my first daughter I was 340 lbs. I busted *kitten* for months and got myself down to 290. It was the best I have ever felt about myself in years. After I gave birth to her I got sucked in to the new parent craziness and sat on my *kitten* for months. I again got myself down to 299 and then got off track. I got pregnant 9 months ago and STARTED the pregnancy at 330. I am currently 9 days away from a c section and am sure I am at least almost 370. I don't ask or look at the scale at my ob appointments. After my c section next week I refuse to sit on my *kitten* and let myself get even more unhealthy. I already have a post baby grocery list made to fill my house with good food. I plan on breast feeding this time and hope that will help with the weight loss as well. I have my double stroller all set up and plan to walk with my girls daily until I am cleared to head to the gym 6 weeks post pardum. I know I can do this. I have before I just need to not fall off the wagon. I don't plan on weighing myself post baby for awhile. I know the number won't be pretty and I know it will defeat me before I start. I want to lost 60 lbs before we take a vacation in November. Most importantly I want to be confident again for myself, my husband but most of all my girls. I need positive people. I need a support team. Please send me a message about yourself and add me if you think you can be a part of my adventure.


  • T1stime
    T1stime Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Katie, my name is Carole. I am fairly new here but the support is great. If you want us to motivate each other, it would be great. I'll send you a friends invite
  • sarahyourprincess
    sarahyourprincess Posts: 36 Member
    Babies make it so easy to sit around and do nothing, my little guy is 6 months and between sleep deprivation and bad weather I have been beyond lazy. Good for you for starting again! You can do it!
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Katie. Im 54 and your story is exactly where I was 26 years ago, about your age. I had exactly the same thinkng at my 2nd pregnancy. Fast forward 24 years & my weght had crept up to 378lb (&I wasnt pregnant). I yoyo dieted & stress eat. When one stressful time where my eldest daughter nearly died from an accident & I was nursing her for 8 months & I put on a huge chunk & just didnt realise it. My clothes were always loose jersy material skirts & Tshirts & I didnt realise it (or didnt want to). I went to Dr for my annual checkup & she couldnt weigh me her scales only went to 350lb.....i was too heavy for the scales. I wish i did get weighed at my heaviest so i know how far i have come. I have guessed my heaviest & deserve to celebrate every pound gone. Later on i was down but still didnt know by how much & still couldnt be weighed at Dr. So i went to a freight company & weighed there. Most embarrassing thing i ever did. This gave me the idea i must have been around the 380 mark, so i chose 378 as it sounded like a legitimate figure compared to an even 380. I wish to this day i had my start recorded somewhere. Get someone you trust to weigh you without you seeing it, even your Doctor. One day you will want to know to celebrate how much hard work you have done. This whole journey is an emotional & mental hurdle. Dont allow yourself to mentally play games about your heaviest weight. There is more to think about than "how far have i really come?" Own it even if it is one day in the future when you are strong enough to digest it, but then you can find out from the one you trusted.

    Also find a woe that suits you for a lifetime. Dont live my life & be 26 years in the future and where i am. Dont "diet" so you then go off it as it is unsustainable. Find a food plan that is sustainable for the rest of your life. Your body will love you for it.

    For 21 months I have been eating a way that i now love, never hungry & only just started exercising recently. Im now 294lb & owning very pound i have shedded (not lost as I never want to find them again). Im down 84lb!!!!! I have never been able to do this all my life.

    Speaking to my young self "you can do this & break the weight cycle"