Just starting! Tips and suggestions required!

shaken0813 Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone- just getting ready to start keto- I need as much help as you can give me- pointers, suggestions and tips please!


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    • Set carbs as a limit, proteins as a goal range, fats only to satiety.
    • Get minimum 5000 mg sodium a day to replace what's being dumped - at least the first 6 weeks - adjust from there. Some need more, some need slightly less.
    • Think outside the box. Any meal can be eaten at any time. Eggs for dinner and lunch, burgers for breakfast...
    • Second think outside the box. Think of anything you've not eaten in a while or been warned about. Heart attack on a plate? Yes, please, hold the bread. :)
    • Supplement magnesium if you aren't eating all grassfed and organics.
    • No food should be 100% off limits (allergies excepting)...portions are more important than cutting things out completely.
    • There are NO hard and fast rules. Make your program work FOR you, not the other way around...

    Another low carb group that many of us are in that has a TON of resources... community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10103966/start-here-the-lcd-launch-pad#latest
  • noddyca
    noddyca Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm a newbie to the keto way of life too. I clicked the first link you provided and it wouldn't allow me access. Do I need to be invited?
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Yes, you need to be added to the lcdf group. Administrators are pretty darn quick though! I found I made things over complicated for myself in the beginning. You don't need to be making a whole lot of fancy foods (unless you want to!). This really is the simplest woe to follow if you let it be.

    That being said, the public world is loaded with carbs because they are cheap, plentiful and addictive. For me to be successful and consistent, I must do some basic food prep... but that is me and how I roll in my world. If I have good choices on hand, I stay on plan.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @noddyca - I'm sorry I accidentally left that off... You don't have to be invited, but it is a closed group for member security. You just have to request to join and should quickly be approved.

  • neillian
    neillian Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I just started 5:2 9 weeks ago and am researching the ketogenic lifestyle. I did Atkins in the 70s and also in the 90s. Lost a lot of weight, and blood work was perfect, but got back into carbs. Would love to contribute to your group.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    neillian. Both Ketogenic and LCHF work hand in hand with IF- Welcome to the group!
  • lirby10
    lirby10 Posts: 12 Member
    I am new to the group. My husband and I started following a low carb lifestyle. He is severely diabetic (II) and we both have some weight to lose. We have been on for about 2 months. He was on shots and now his sugar levels are perfect w/o shots. He has lost about 18lb I have lost about 10lb. I have really followed the program and have rarely cheated, but my weight is coming off slow and I have had a set back when on vacation. My husband definitely cheated some and gained zero weight when we returned. I on the other hand, I gained back about 5 lbs. I know my carbs were higher due to alcohol (light beer and low carb wine and occasionally well drink with diet soda, but my eating was pretty good (unless there were hidden carbs in some of our restaurant meals that I could not factor in). I will say that I ate more than normal. I thought calories did not count. I have lost a couple since I have returned, but it is coming off so slow. I would like to lose another 10 lbs by May. I am a bit discouraged. It just seems for me if I eat over about 20 carbs, I gain weight. Eventually, I would like to incorporate some of the moderate low carb recipes, but right know I feel like I can't. Any words of wisdom.