Super Shape-Up March 2017: Week 3 (3/15-3/21)



  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    mmultanen wrote: »
    Maybe those of us with fitness goals (other than fitness this burger in my mouth) could start an April fitness challenge!

    Ahhhahah, that made me literally laugh out loud...thank you! :D
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    mmultanen wrote: »
    @nikoba I'm super competitive but I'm also easily distractable! I need one thing to focus on maybe two, or I accomplish nothing. lol

    Maybe those of us with fitness goals (other than fitness this burger in my mouth) could start an April fitness challenge!

    I'd be in. I HAVE to figure out a way to get movement in.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Hi all. Just joined this community and have been doing keto/LC for 2 months now with fabulous results.
    My goal this week (and the last 2 weeks) is to:
    1. maximize my time outdoors enjoying Springlike temps in Colorado.
    2. Continue to keep the carb intake around 50g (primary sources of carbs are fruits and veggies, no grains).
    3. Make an effort to eat more protein (averaging about 45g/day)

    I'm not sure where to ask for help so pardon me if this is not the best place. I've been making great progress since late January but the last few weeks I keep hitting roadblocks. I lose a little weight (like .5 to 1 lb) then stall for a week or more. I know from many, many years of experience this is normal (esp. for women). Does anybody have suggestions or similar experiences?

    It sounds like normal annoying scale behavior.

    Just make sure there is no carb or calorie creep and you are measuring accurately. Keep moving and hydrated. Readjust your calories every 10-20lb if you start stalling. We need less as we weigh less. And stay the course. Consistency will help you more than anything when the body starts pausing and cleaning house periodically. Check your measurements then and how your clothes fit for clues that you are on the right track.
  • 40footalfa
    40footalfa Posts: 9 Member
    So, I'm starting today.... My eating has been on point however, I need to get off my fat butt to get the results I want. I live in a very hilly area so walking up and down the hills is great cardio. I also just purchased a dancing dvd for a change of pace. I am unable to lift any weights due to a torn rotator cuff, so I will do what I can.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    40footalfa wrote: »
    So, I'm starting today.... My eating has been on point however, I need to get off my fat butt to get the results I want. I live in a very hilly area so walking up and down the hills is great cardio. I also just purchased a dancing dvd for a change of pace. I am unable to lift any weights due to a torn rotator cuff, so I will do what I can.

    I hear ya about that torn rotator cuff. No one has any idea about the pain until they have one. I'm not what one would call a baby or a whiner but I fell last May and tore my left RC and separated the bicep. Those prescribed exercises made me want to do nothing but cry. Seriously. Cry, cry ,cry like a baby. Good luck!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I lifted weights this morning and went on 2-2 mile walks this afternoon. Kettlebell this evening. I met my macros and calorie intake. Nice outside so moving more is a lot easier!
  • abowman0870
    abowman0870 Posts: 11 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Hi all. Just joined this community and have been doing keto/LC for 2 months now with fabulous results.
    My goal this week (and the last 2 weeks) is to:
    1. maximize my time outdoors enjoying Springlike temps in Colorado.
    2. Continue to keep the carb intake around 50g (primary sources of carbs are fruits and veggies, no grains).
    3. Make an effort to eat more protein (averaging about 45g/day)

    I'm not sure where to ask for help so pardon me if this is not the best place. I've been making great progress since late January but the last few weeks I keep hitting roadblocks. I lose a little weight (like .5 to 1 lb) then stall for a week or more. I know from many, many years of experience this is normal (esp. for women). Does anybody have suggestions or similar experiences?

    It sounds like normal annoying scale behavior.

    Just make sure there is no carb or calorie creep and you are measuring accurately. Keep moving and hydrated. Readjust your calories every 10-20lb if you start stalling. We need less as we weigh less. And stay the course. Consistency will help you more than anything when the body starts pausing and cleaning house periodically. Check your measurements then and how your clothes fit for clues that you are on the right track.

    @baconslave - thanks for the words of insight and encouragement. Perhaps there is a little spring cleaning going on here.
  • abowman0870
    abowman0870 Posts: 11 Member
    mmultanen wrote: »
    @abowman0870 that's my body's preferred method of losing weight. I'll lose a .5lb or less for 2 or 3 weeks, then my body feels like "ok I can let go" and I'll lose 3.5lbs in a week. I lost 80 lbs on WW and I've lost 30 (twice now but whose counting) on LCHF and every time my body reacts the same way. It helps to track the trend and not the individual data points. Is the trend going in the right direction? Great! screw the data points, man.

    @mmultanen It's all moving the right way. I read up on something called the whoosh effect but I've only seen a 1 pound whoosh :/ Thank you for your response. The gist of it is just keep on keeping on (is that the saying)?
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    Man am I horrible about checking in!

    I have been doing kettlebells daily! Weekends are my rest days.

    Stress - I can't call this a win. While I attempt to work on it, I've failed in the "daily" part. I need to schedule more time for just myself which I'm finding hard to do :(
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,597 Member
    edited March 2017
    @nikoba these weren't those kind of ribs. Boneless shortribs (kinda like a thicker cut of swiss steak) in the crockpot with red wine and beef broth, no BBQ sauce.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Doing pretty good, friends. Coming up with different plans of action to prevent snacking. I'll let you know what works. :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    3/17 - I did fantastic on my goals yesterday. I did two sets of kettle bell workouts. And walked around the mall all day. It only registered a little over a mile but I know that in a confined area my iPhone does not register steps correctly. I was walking around for five hours. I went to Costco and bought a rack of ribs to snack on. I also stocked up on macadamia nuts. They are my new fat bomb!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    This week has been good for carbs, weight, and collagen. Still no workouts. Probably start back tomorrow.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    3/18 - This morning I had to go pick my dog up so started out on a 2 mile walk. Then did Stronglift A. Went for another 2 mile walk and finished the evening with my Kettlebell workout. Macros and calories were good.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    My March week 3 was a bit of a mixed bag. My goal was to keep up with my cardio and carb goals, and to add strength training 3x per week.

    I missed the strength training goal, only got in 2 sessions this week instead of three.
    I went over on carbs on Wednesday, but according to the ketostix I stayed in ketosis.
    I did my cardio every day, and hit my cardio goals for the week.

    Despite the two misses, I did lose another 1 lb this week. I will try not to have any fails in week four.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    3/19- yesterday I got up and did my kettle bell workout. I went for two 2 mile walks and in the evening did another kettle bell workout. Drinking my water and eating my food so I'm doing fantastic! Hit my macros and stayed under my carbs. Now to start today's weightlifting workout.
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    I'm chalking my weekend up as "an experiment"...and lesson. I knew this Saturday...which trickled into Sunday...was going to be gluttonous. But man, did it open my eyes. And to think that how I ate this weekend as a very special how I used to eat any weekend I got together with friends. 4200 calories on Saturday!!! I had no idea a bottle of wine is 1200 calories. I binged on pizza yesterday...but logged every bit.

    I'm so happy I logged everything, because I needed to see the damage done...though I could feel the damage instantly. Within an hour of eating sugar/processed carbs, I felt bloated and icky. Today, I am up 5 pounds and woke up so nauseous and with a terrible headache. And honestly...other than maybe the first piece of pizza, none of the food even tasted as good as I remember...definitely not good enough to feel the way I did/do. I'm actually grateful to be back in the saddle.