In Ketosis - Fat Fast Help



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    If you want a fasting buddy, let me know! I almost tried it this week (M-Th would be the easiest timing with my schedule) but didn't. My main concern is dinnertime with my family.

    I am planning a 3 day fast next week, so sign me up too as a potential buddy.

    I am 46? hours into my 72 hour fast and so far so good!!!

    I am planning Mon to Wednesday next week. I am quite excited actually :)

    Ack...I want to do this too! I'm tentatively committing to it. Will yours be water only or will you have fats? Have you fasted before?

    Mine will be a waterfast. I have done a number of 1-2 day fasts but not a 3 day water fast. Usually due to work stress as opposed to planned ones.

    When are you thinking of doing yours?
    Thinking of starting Monday. I've only IFed so we'll see how I do!

    So far so good for me, work is really busy so perfect time for it, I did not even realize I had not eaten all day before it was nearly 8pm

    I started with 24 hour Saturday noon to Sunday noon to kind of ease myself in. It wasn't bad at all. I thought it might help to build up to extended. Maybe try for 48 hours next.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I never suffer when I do 24hrs maybe because my body is so used to IF already? I am not a breakfast person at all.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    Was hoping to so IF today, but started getting hungry @ 10:00 a.m. for some reason. I decided to hold off and see if would go away, but no such luck.

    Decided it's finally time to eat. Having some soup which is mainly very salty broth with minimal veggies and chicken....
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    A couple times a week I IF mostly 16:8 but sometimes 18:6. I usually finish eating in the evening by 7pm and have my next meal around 11am (or 1pm for a 18:6) and my tummy always, ALWAYS, rumbles at 9am. I've taken to ignoring it and it usually goes away. But sure as *kitten* it's 9am on the dot every time.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    mmultanen wrote: »
    A couple times a week I IF mostly 16:8 but sometimes 18:6. I usually finish eating in the evening by 7pm and have my next meal around 11am (or 1pm for a 18:6) and my tummy always, ALWAYS, rumbles at 9am. I've taken to ignoring it and it usually goes away. But sure as *kitten* it's 9am on the dot every time.


    Does that correspond with when you "used" to eat breakfast? Just out of curiousity...
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited March 2017
    On the weekends I almost always eat breakfast cause we make a big to-do and by 9am everyone's up and we're eating usually. So that's probably what it corresponds to.
  • Caletagirl
    Caletagirl Posts: 47 Member
    Hey all
    How did everyone get on with fat fasts?
    I'm going to do a 3-4 day fast from tomorrow. Hoping to do 80/90% fat, 20% protein and 0 carbs. Not done this before but I need to see some weight loss on the scales. Ive done well and lost inches but I have a habit of losing inches but stay the same weight but I do still need to get the weight down. Plus I'm on holiday soon. :)
    Any tips greatly appreciated :)
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    If you listen to Jason Fung then you have no doubt heard him speak of fast and feast. I think that's an important thing to be aware of.
    All fasting protocols should include a feasting period as well. Megan Ramos speaks about this often on fasting talk. She says that's the number one thing women especially do wrong with fasting. They fast one or several days then eat at a deficit all other days. They never feast.

    I think that's where I may be going wrong. I only recently started keeping a proper diary, (I mean, literally, this week) but have already found that I am simply not hitting most of my targets, daily.... I start off with a BPC, then I don't eat until about gone 2pm....
    Today for example, I had the coffee at around 9am, then at two, had lunch... and just haven't been hungry since... had a Chawanmuchi this evening, but could just as easily have skipped it....
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    If you listen to Jason Fung then you have no doubt heard him speak of fast and feast. I think that's an important thing to be aware of.
    All fasting protocols should include a feasting period as well. Megan Ramos speaks about this often on fasting talk. She says that's the number one thing women especially do wrong with fasting. They fast one or several days then eat at a deficit all other days. They never feast.

    I think that's where I may be going wrong. I only recently started keeping a proper diary, (I mean, literally, this week) but have already found that I am simply not hitting most of my targets, daily.... I start off with a BPC, then I don't eat until about gone 2pm....
    Today for example, I had the coffee at around 9am, then at two, had lunch... and just haven't been hungry since... had a Chawanmuchi this evening, but could just as easily have skipped it....

    I would cut the bpc and either eat more later in the day or replace it with eggs or some other protein and try to get at least one feasting day in a week. Doing that may allow you to eat more on a feasting day.
    I just made this whole weekend a feast. Still never breached 1700 calories though. But that's over my TDEE so it should have my metabolism humming and ready to have a 1 meal fast tomorrow. I ate dinner at 7 and will wait til dinner tomorrow at 6:30 to eat after having a high calorie day today.
    I actually just started focusing on this method last weekend and I did have some scale weight change early in the week. It's back up after eating this weekend but I don't think that matters. I don't have much to lose and if I can get 1 pound loss (on average weight) over this whole month that is a good goal for me.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I might stick to routine today; I have work, and work schedules your lunch and breaks for you; so you're obliged to eat when they say so.... which is a pain, but that's just the way it is. I finish work earlier than usual tomorrow, so I might adapt things then....
    broken the 9-stone barrier, but still hovering around 8:13.... *grumpy face*
  • Caletagirl
    Caletagirl Posts: 47 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yes I will be watching Dr Fung again but I do follow him and watch his videos. I have definitely had a feast this weekend (plus a few drinkies which I don't normally do)
    I just wrote out a post and it didn't show?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Caletagirl wrote: »
    Yes I will be watching Dr Fung again but I do follow him and watch his videos. I have definitely had a feast this weekend (plus a few drinkies which I don't normally do)
    I just wrote out a post and it didn't show?

    Emojis like to eat all the words
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I often have to do that. They're carb-free, but occasionally guilt-laden.....
  • Caletagirl
    Caletagirl Posts: 47 Member
    Ah thank you.
    Yesterday went welll. Was slightly over my calorie intake but hit high fat : )