How to achieve the needle?!?!

Hey guys! I've been dancing for 12 years, and I have always loved the look of the needle. I just do not have a flexible back or hips! Does anyone know how I can get my needle within, like, a year? I REALLY want it for this solo I'm doing next year! Thanks in advance!:)


  • DancingDreams1234
    ..bah..the needle. I find pilates and yoga help you out as they strengthen your muscles as you use them in different ways similar to the motion of the needle, does that make sense?

    Also doing the needle against the wall helps a-lot to as well as doing splits against the wall, I find door frames are much better for this kind of stretching. The only way you are going to get it is stretching a-lot, and working towards it, there really is no easy way to do it. Some people find that turning their hip out a little allows their leg to extend a bit more.
  • unoriginalusername007
    The needle takes a flexible back, flexible legs, and flexible shoulders. I have a really bendy back, so though my leg flexibility isn't the greatest my back makes up for it. There's no trick to it, as was already said; you just need to stretch a lot! While watching tv or hanging around just start stretching out. Every day if you can. Though you might not have flexible hips or a flexible back now, if you stretch daily for a year, you should definitely gain flexibility. I used to do acrobatics and would do bridges and back flexibile moves every day and I was really bendy. Now, I've stopped acro and I notice my back is a lot less bendy. I've been stretching it out daily though and I'm getting back to where I was, so I know that it's surely possible to gain flexibility in time. Good luck! =)