Any working moms with young kid(s)?

I am 41 with a 3 year old and am wondering if there are other working moms with little ones. How/when do you fit in exercise, eating properly, being motivated? I find that if I don't wake up before my son to work out, the work out won't happen at all! Just finding it difficult to time manage and be consistent :( I've been steadily gaining weight since I stopped nursing my son and find that I have even less will power than ever to eat properly (I eat what's available...but don't take the time to make healthy food that's available, so I eat my kid's crackers!). Help!


  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi! Sounds familiar. I am 40 (a few weeks from 41) and have a 4 year old. I work 4 days a week and yeah it is tough to get in the workouts. I usually workout after work, before dinner (can't swing the morning thing). I found that I exercised less when I had a gym membership; I had trouble getting there so I just skipped working out altogether. I bought my first fitness video (JM 30DS) a few months ago, and I am much more consistent getting the exercise in now that is is a habit to turn it on several times a week for half-hour.

    I hear ya about the food, which can be tough. From my hubby I often hear "why don't you just pick-up something on the way home." Since I do the majority of the cooking I cave more often than I should after long work days... sigh. When hubby helps with shopping we end up with lots of carbs in the cart. I do better when I do the grocery shopping, but then lots more cooking because of the items I buy, compared to pre-packaged foods which hubby will grab (i.e. I make home-made pizza, but he buys the frozen kind).

    Time I work on healthier choices. I never give up, just slip up from time to time. I bet we can do this... just read your handle.. . YOU can totally do this! ;-)
  • mom2chrisandnadia
    mom2chrisandnadia Posts: 47 Member
    I'm with you. I'm 43 with a 1 year old (17 months and a 15 year old). I have to workout in the morning. I'm done by 6 during the week and 7 on the weekends. It's really hard to exercise when my daughter is awake. I don't belong to a gym and do everything at home. I also have long commute (3 hrs per day, 4 days a week) so evening exercise unless it's a walk with the baby in a stroller is out.
  • Snoyls
    Snoyls Posts: 2 Member
    I try and stop after work because once I get home I get sucked in. It's nice that my daughter is six now. She comes with to the Y and sits (somewhat) patiently (usually with the Kindle to keep her occupied) while I swim laps. Then she gets in and we swim together. There may be things you can do and have your munchkin tag along like walking or bike riding.
  • shellym616
    shellym616 Posts: 24 Member
    Boy can I relate!
    I am 42 with a 3 (almost 4) year old daughter.
    Most of my weight gain can be traced back to my finding it easier to eat quick meals instead of trying to take time to cook something healthy while my little girl is parading around looking for my attention.
    There isn't a lot of time between getting home from work and putting her to bed, so I take shortcuts constantly.
    I really need to stop this though, because I don't want to teach this lifestyle to my daughter.
    I think the best answer for me is to let her help with making healthy meals, because she loves to help. This way she gets bonding time with me, and we get a healthy meal.
    On the weekends we try to do fun activities as a family (her daddy joins in on this). I'd like to find activities that we can all do that will get us more active. Of course this will get more and more difficult with cold weather approaching.
  • Dr0p15
    Dr0p15 Posts: 4
    I have an 8 year old and discovered that my best work-out time is before the day begins. I am NOT a morning person, but I make myself workout every week day. If I get to the gym on the weekend then I consider it a bonus.

    I did my first triathalon a year ago and promised not to skip any workouts- I wanted to be Fit and 40; not Fat and 40. It seemed to take forever for the weight to come off, but eventually it did. I don't like having a 40 year old metabilism- looking at food makes me gain weight.

    Also- I bought a trail-a-bike for my son when he was smaller- this is a kids bike with no front wheel and attaches to my bike. He can pedal and help move us along- or coast and make it harder for me. Either way- towing him along ensured I was able to get my workout in.

    As tempting as it is- don't eat your kid's left-overs. In the trash is better than on your tush!
  • Hi. I am a 43 year old with a 4 year old, 6 year old, and a 21 year old. I also teach preschool. I have learned to included my kids in the exercise. We do a lot of hiking when weather permits it. Otherwise we try to take walks. Since they are older we try to include learning how to do sit ups or push ups. Sometimes I put in an exercise video and tell they have to do it with me. My 6 year old loves this. At school we put in a walking video or play dance videos and call it movement for the day. My children love to go to the track and run while I walk. My mornings are to hectic to try to squeeze in exercise. It is not easy when you have small kids. Keep motivated and be creative and get the child involved.