Missing the old gallbladder

Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
Hey, all! I have been gone for the last few months due to all kinds of craziness. One of the crazy is that I had my gallbladder removed in December. I am all recovered now, and I haven't had any issues with food at all. I really want to return to keto. Does anyone have any experience of doing keto without their gallbladder? Just curious what I might be in for or any tips.



  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    I had gallbladder surgery a few months after adopting a LCHF diet and most of the time keeping my carbs at keto ranges. I've not had any problems without it but then again, I did not have problems before it was removed. Several large stones were found when I had an emergency appendectomy. I elected to have to it removed because my mother and grandmother had serious gallbladder problems which resulted in emergency surgeries. I didn't want to tempt fate and risk a second emergency surgery. Gook luck! There are quite a few people on the LCHF and Keto boards who have had their gallbladders removed.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I had my gallbladder out in 2000. My personal experience is that one should supplement with stomach acids/bile product and digestive enzymes. The depletion of the liver's ability to produce adequate stomach acids for full digestion is a very slow and subtle process. I can't say which came first across the board, but it impacted a worsening thyroid and adrenal condition (and possibly hormonal issues and insulin resistance, and others, too), created several chronic vitamin deficiencies for me, and many other things, but it took a decade or so for the issues to surface enough to be noticed, and another 5 years for the pieces of the puzzle to start fitting together to realize that it was all very interrelated.

    Most doctors these days are pretty good about suggesting you get on enzymes and such following surgery. Considering that the liver and thyroid are both very important in the process, I suggest that you get a workup if you haven't already done so. Fatty liver or low function there are problematic in producing enough of these...and low functioning thyroid controls the metabolism, including telling the liver when to make more bile and not, etc. Additionally, stones are created in the liver, so you can continue to have "gallstone" issues without a gallbladder...

    My biggest issues these days generally relate back to raw greens. Pretty much anything else I can handle, but raw greens hit an auto-eject button. That only developed in the last 2-3 years, after I'd been keto a year plus.