Hi, this is my 2nd full week doing Keto. I lost 9 pounds last week, and weighed myself yesterday....lost 1.1 pound. First time doing this, and it is that time of month. I started yesterday the day of my weigh in. Could this be interfering with my weigh in? Also, I am in extreme pain when I usually have mild to moderate cramping. Is Keto affecting this as well?


  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Yes, TOM will most definitely affect weigh-ins due to traditional water retention etc; however a 9 lb loss every single week is also not a realistic expectation. It is an excellent and motivating start but generally a shred of water weight. Losses will slow as your body adapts and/or heals.

    I have not personally experienced it, but others have reported much more sensitivity. Due to hormonal changes and balances once adapted, many comment that it is almost like going back in time a number of years.... I would think it is too soon for you to be experiencing that, but everyone is different! I'm sure others will chime in with more applicable info on this aspect.

    Congratulations on starting keto and your success so far!!
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Yes, I've noticed a difference in my cycle since being on keto. My first full cycle during keto seemed worse than in the past (my period came early, heavier, crampier) but now it has settled down. As far as weight, I've literally always had weight fluctuations when starting my period. In the past I could literally wake up 8 pounds heavier. Now, on keto it's much less noticeable (more like a pound or two).

    Also, @kimberwolf71 is right, you should not expect such a large loss every week. Initially you're dumping water which is why the number tends to be higher your first week.
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    I usually stall, or go up a little during my TOM.
    My first cycle on keto I was almost a week late, and it hurt like a mother.
    Second cycle, and since then, I have been on time (or a little early) and have barely noticed. I had mild cramps before keto, but now there is pretty much nothing there.
    once TOM is done, I usually have a bit of a whoosh to make up for any water I may have been hanging onto.
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    i will say, my ovulation pain has increased a little. first month was brutal, now it is bearable, but still more than before.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OK, thank you for all of the info!
  • hillarymouse
    hillarymouse Posts: 69 Member
    Keto gave me back my periods which was really exciting! But before mine I tended to stall or gain, and then once it started I'd lose again. I'm a little late to the conversation but Post Induction Stall Syndrom (PISS lol) is such a real thing! After my first month or so I didn't lose anything for weeks, and then whoosh! I lost again. So if you're feeling down about a stall please don't give up!

    Cutting dairy helped mine, and increasing water intake.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Yes, I've noticed a difference in my cycle since being on keto. My first full cycle during keto seemed worse than in the past (my period came early, heavier, crampier) but now it has settled down. As far as weight, I've literally always had weight fluctuations when starting my period. In the past I could literally wake up 8 pounds heavier. Now, on keto it's much less noticeable (more like a pound or two).

    That is EXACTLY what happened to me. It came earlier, heavier and longer. Hopefully the next one will be better.
  • Chena83
    Chena83 Posts: 111 Member
    Keto gave me back my periods which was really exciting! But before mine I tended to stall or gain, and then once it started I'd lose again. I'm a little late to the conversation but Post Induction Stall Syndrom (PISS lol) is such a real thing! After my first month or so I didn't lose anything for weeks, and then whoosh! I lost again. So if you're feeling down about a stall please don't give up!

    Cutting dairy helped mine, and increasing water intake.

    Thanks for sharing because that is what is happening to me RIGHT NOW!!!