The ever elusive "Sweet Spot"!

miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
edited March 2017 in Social Groups
I would like to know how you have manipulated your macros to facilitate weight loss?

Low & Slow
I realize that what works best for some may not work well for others but I will continually strive for that elusive spot. I have been on Keto for a year, eating 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs with a 26 pound loss but nothing in last 4 Months. I know that I must change my set point, Funny thing is, I have been attempting to lower my fats to 65% and up my proteins to 30% but my body would rather have the old macros. The struggle is real to claim a just reward, in it for life! Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated!
Keto On!


  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!

    How many total calories are you consuming? With a 26 lb drop, your energy expenditure will have also dropped so you may need to lower total calories (while keeping the same macro ratios).
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank You! I am 6'1" 240lbs eating 1,400 calories daily with 16/8 intermittent fasting and weight training.
  • Motherofship
    Motherofship Posts: 122 Member
    Ccrdragon's comment is really insightful. A 1000-cal deficit is probably enough to put you in 'starvation mode', so it really might work best for you to up it.

    I know some people also go for a carb day which supposedly 'resets' them, but I've not had a need to so I don't know much about it. Maybe the same principle could work for your IF by changing around the pattern for a while.

    The body adapts :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Thank You! I am 6'1" 240lbs eating 1,400 calories daily with 16/8 intermittent fasting and weight training.

    I agree with @ccdragon . My guess is that you are either eating more than you think, due to eyeballing food rather than weighing it, or you may have a health issue like hypothyroidism which is slowing your metabolism a bit.

    Perhaps try weighing all food this weekend?

    The measurements advice is great too. We've had a few members post pictures during their stalls where it is obvious that they have lost fat and inches, and probably gained some lean weight. A very real possibility for you if you are weight training.

    A few years back I was weight training quite seriously but then I had a back injury and had to stop everything for a few months. After about 10 days of inactivity I suddenly lost about 10 lbs within days. My guess is that my muscles finally had a chance to recover and they let go of some water weight they were holding onto while healing/trying to keep up with my weight program. Your weight training could be affecting the scale even though you are losing fat.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    errigrg wrote: »
    Ccrdragon's comment is really insightful. A 1000-cal deficit is probably enough to put you in 'starvation mode', so it really might work best for you to up it.

    I know some people also go for a carb day which supposedly 'resets' them, but I've not had a need to so I don't know much about it. Maybe the same principle could work for your IF by changing around the pattern for a while.

    The body adapts :)

    This is exactly what I thought too. I'm a 5' 6.5" woman, and when I was in the weight-loss portion of my journey, I was eating roughly 1400 calories a day and losing weight. I'm now in maintenance and am eating roughly 1600 calories a day but the number of cals per say keeps going up (this is actually a good thing for me) because I'm weight & strength training to build muscle and tone up. I expect the next body fat test I have will justify another 50-100 calorie increase. Anyway, my point here is this: you are a 6' 1" man (which means you have more muscle mass to maintain than I do) and you re clearly not eating enough so I too second what @errigrg said above.
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2017
    ccrdragon, eerigrg, nvmomketo, ladipoet, I really appreciate your assist on this as I have always felt that I have not been eating enough to lose but feeling totally satiated. I do not have hypothyroidism nor do I measure my food. I realize this is a scientific diet so I will be purchasing a scale. I must say that in the 70s I went from 250lbs to 178lbs in 6 months. I guess old habits die hard but happy those habits are long gone. I ruined my metabolism about the only issue I have at this point is a genetic issue called hyperlipidemia. I would have thought that I would be losing more than 1/2 a pound a week for 52 weeks. I guess it took 53 years to wake up. I will not waiver because of the blood numbers and benefits. I knew that I could count on you guys for the assistance. Thank You!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    :) You are still losing. Just slowly. They say slow and steady wins the race, right? ;)

    Keep playing around with it. you'll eventually find a sweeter spot. I think changing things, like calories or macros or meal timing, does help keep the body on it's toes. I often seemed to lose a bit better when I changed something up.

    My tastes tend away from higher protein too. I tried to increase to 25% and it was a struggle. I fall back to around 20%/80g protein every time I stop watching it. Now I just leave it there. When I lower calories my percentage of protein is higher but its still about 80g. Same with when I go to maintenance levels. It is still 80g but it is a lower percentage.
  • miltbrophy2463
    miltbrophy2463 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank You nvmomketo,
    I guess that I was thinking about lowering my fat intake due to my condition. I will attempt to up my calories slowly for a few weeks to see if that does the trick or maybe carb cycling. As I see it I have nothing but time so if takes a few years, so what! It's a double edged sword for me as hyperlipidemia and gout go hand in hand with fatty protein. I believe that the only answer for me would be higher fat intake. Your thoughts and responses are helpful and appreciated. TY!