Weekly mini goal challenge - 3/27/17

Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
Weekly mini goals work for me. They allow me to adjust my focus while aiming toward a broader long term target.

Smaller incremental goals let us enjoy an accomplishment here and there along the way, but, ideally, are never set so high that they cause undue stress if you fall short.

Anyone want to join me in this challenge?

What is your weekly mini goal this week?

How did you do with last week's mini goal?


  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Last week my goal was 100% tracking, and I did it. I found it motivating to have a specific goal to achieve rather than a more vague desire. There were a few times where I was a meal or two behind on my tracking and I went back and filled things in instead of falling into the bad habit of letting it go. Also, I'm very happy to see some results on the scale that correspond with this effort!

    This week, my goal will be to log at least 5 activities of at least 30 minutes in duration. This should be more doable this week as I'll be on vacation Weds through Sun and will have more time. My exercise time has really suffered of late.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Last week my goal was to not face plant into food during my out of town business trip. I was successful! In fact, I found it rather easy to not indulge in snacks. I think part of that was because I wasn't being pulled in a million directions like I am when I'm on my home turf. I pretty much ignored emails, social media, and there weren't any house related chores to deal with. I came back weighing less than when I left.

    This week's goal is to get outside on Wednesday morning for a run. I've been dealing with some knee & back issues but those seem to have finally resolved as I had a good 25K trail race this past Saturday in very sloppy conditions (lots of rain trashed the trails). I have a 1/2 marathon on Saturday (was supposed to be a marathon but I dropped down after my joint issues impacted my training).
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,089 Member
    Well, am going to try to "rinse and repeat" last week. Have 1WP left, and will use my tracker to see how much further I can dive. BTW, I checked to see what me "maintenance points" would be at me goal. Looked like same weeklies (42) and 38 SPs. Since I'm in losing mode now I think shooting for the 38 might be a "doable" number. Would love to see another pound gone on my Friday weigh-in.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    My mini goal was to not gain after I gained last week. At my WI was Zi down 1.8#. So I made my mini goal! Yeah Me!

    My mini goal this week is to swim 3 miles by 3/31. That will get my March lap total up to 10 miles, a personal best.

    I try to swim 1/2 mile in laps, (it takes me forty minutes) before or after my aqua aerobics class.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Last week was to do all of my scheduled exercise activities and I accomplished it!

    This week is to stick under 2000 Monday-Thursday and under 2400 Friday-Saturday and to stick with 1 dessert per day.
  • MurpleCat
    MurpleCat Posts: 229 Member
    Last week it was to get some exercise every day, even if was just a few laps around my complex at work. I missed one day, so I'm going to try for that again this week and see if I can improve it.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    It's too late for an edit, but here's a clarification: when I said I'll be "on vacation" the rest of the week, I really should have said "I'll be be mostly off work and out of the office." I'm driving to Ohio to visit my folks with DW and DD. Unless climate change has done more than I'm willing to give it credit for, I won't regard a trip home to Youngstown as a vacation!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,576 Member
    Mine was to stay under my goal 5 days of the week and not use my cardio calories. 4 of 6 so far. Just missed yesterday!
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Last week I was going to keep on tracking and stay within my points. I did and the scale was down. Now if I can have it move down again this week. I also planned to go to the gym. I didn't. I did move more though, so a partial win.

    This week I'm going to do it again (despite the cheesecake and brownie bites with caramel sauce in my house).
  • susan092907
    susan092907 Posts: 364 Member
    My goal was to end the week below my daily calorie target based on my daily average for the week. I ended up just 12 calories above my target. I'm giving myself an "almost" win and will try again this week.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    "I won't regard a trip home to Youngstown as a vacation!"


    I worked at small USAF Reserve base near there 96-01. We lived in Cortland near Warren. That was my second time living in OH, also worked in Dayton WPAFB 78-83.

    Enjoy your trip home.