Seems I do this every few months....



  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    nscal wrote: »
    Welcome back! Lord working 3 jobs with kids and a hubby is enough to help push you off the wagon. I'm tired just reading that! Ha! I do believe that we all have moments where we slip from time to time. I agree the feeling good part is worth it. The scales don't move much at all for me, but I love how I feel great!

    I just wish I could get rid of 30 more pounds to be in the 150s, but truthfully I haven't been in the 150s since high school and that may not even be realistic for me. It's okay. I felt great in the 160s too.

    Yeah, my life is pretty insanely busy. It won't be like this forever. Initially I picked up extra jobs to make some extra money while my husband was finishing his degree and to begin to work my way back into the career I want (and for which I trained and credentialed). Hubby graduated and got a full-time job, so I was planning for leaving my full-time job and transitioning to working solely in my field this summer; but then he was laid off almost a month ago now, so I'm still busting my tail at 3 jobs while he looks for work again. *sigh* It'll all come together eventually, but for now this is just my reality. I want so badly to be at home with my kids more, though. They won't be little forever, and I have already missed so much.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Welcome back!

    Thank you! It's good to be back! Maybe I'll stay a while.... :wink:
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    nscal wrote: »
    Welcome back! Lord working 3 jobs with kids and a hubby is enough to help push you off the wagon. I'm tired just reading that! Ha! I do believe that we all have moments where we slip from time to time. I agree the feeling good part is worth it. The scales don't move much at all for me, but I love how I feel great!

    I just wish I could get rid of 30 more pounds to be in the 150s, but truthfully I haven't been in the 150s since high school and that may not even be realistic for me. It's okay. I felt great in the 160s too.

    Yeah, my life is pretty insanely busy. It won't be like this forever. Initially I picked up extra jobs to make some extra money while my husband was finishing his degree and to begin to work my way back into the career I want (and for which I trained and credentialed). Hubby graduated and got a full-time job, so I was planning for leaving my full-time job and transitioning to working solely in my field this summer; but then he was laid off almost a month ago now, so I'm still busting my tail at 3 jobs while he looks for work again. *sigh* It'll all come together eventually, but for now this is just my reality. I want so badly to be at home with my kids more, though. They won't be little forever, and I have already missed so much.

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I did the same when my H was studying for his Law degree (it paid off; he got a 1st with Honours) but life was tough, and I was the sole breadwinner. No kids to bring up, so you'd think the one job would have kept us buoyant, or at least with our heads above the water, but there was a recession, and I got made redundant from 2 of the 4 jobs I managed to get.... and in one of the remainder, I was unlawfully dismissed, so I took the Company to court. Naturally, with a legal beagle husband, we managed to win, but it was a hard, expensive and stressful slog, and in the end, the victory Pyrrhic.
    I won a substantial payout, but the day the Judge gave her findings, officially, in Court, the Director put the company into liquidation, and I never saw a penny.
    We were triumphant, but greatly impoverished.
    The poor get fat. They get fat because they eat cheap food, much of it crap.
    I should know....
    At times all we could afford was plain rubbish. A white sliced loaf, or a tin of beans... God I never want to go back to a time when living in a friend's garage was a luxury!

    Fortunately, we've managed to claw our way back into the black. But we're not well-off by any means.
    Hubby can't use his Law Degree to any measure. In order to do that, he also has to have a Master's degree in one aspect of Law. His course, we got a grant for. A Master's is an expensive add-on, and we've simply never had the funds to be able to afford it.

    We now hold basic jobs many might say are 'below our station' (though I am by no means one to look a Gift-Horse in the mouth! I actually love my job!) but all past qualifications, positions and ambitions are in a pipe-dream of supposed entitlement....

    I wish you well, and hope the near future brings you peace of Mind, joy, serenity and a welcome rest, soon.... Hugs to you.