I feel like crap



  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    Prob over on sodium today. But I spaced it out. I had one tablespoon of bouillon in 10 oz of water around 930am then another one around 6pm because I still felt crappy.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    CRZYFTM wrote: »
    Prob over on sodium today. But I spaced it out. I had one tablespoon of bouillon in 10 oz of water around 930am then another one around 6pm because I still felt crappy.

    Well keep it for another day or two. If you got really depleted you also lost magnesium and potassium as well. It may take a few days if that's the case.
    Slightly increasing carbs may make you feel better in the short term. You can always reduce them back down in a few days or week. But when you do, keep the sodium up.

    If you get too much sodium you'll just pee it away. So drink when thirsty.
    Maybe focusing on good food sources of magnesium and potassium and let those be some extra carbs would be a good idea?

    There's always the possibility you're coming down with something and it's unrelated as well. Or that the carb level you're at just isn't going to be right for you...

    If you're wanting to see it through a couple more days just keep the sodium comparable to today and try to get some magnesium (supplement or other) and food sources of potassium too. If it doesn't change in another day or two it must be either a cold or that carb level isn't compatible with you.

    You're giving it your all though. :)
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    CRZYFTM wrote: »
    Prob over on sodium today. But I spaced it out. I had one tablespoon of bouillon in 10 oz of water around 930am then another one around 6pm because I still felt crappy.

    You're a trooper!

    I was stumped, but @Sunny_Bunny_'s advice sounds pretty good to me. Keep the fluids coming, especially if you think there's any chance you might be dehydrated. (Low blood volume can tax your system....)

  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    Thanks sunny! I am going to hang tough and work on getting my potassium and magnesium up. I'm going to keep my net carbs around 40 instead of 20, and not worry about it. If it doesn't improve by Monday, I may go get some blood work done just to see if something is out of wack.

    Ralf, thank you. I will do my best to keep up with the fluids.
  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    Update: Feeling much better today.
    I've been better at getting my sodium and magnesium. Potassium is a little harder to get.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Kombucha tea is apparently full of the stuff.....
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    CRZYFTM wrote: »
    Update: Feeling much better today.
    I've been better at getting my sodium and magnesium. Potassium is a little harder to get.

    See my post above, quoting the ubiquitous @baconslave's brilliant potassium sermon.

    Basic point - potassium content often isn't included on food labels, so it's likely understated in our MFP totals.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    1tbsp of ACV contains 10.9mg of potassium;

    I drink 6tbsps/day in cold water. Adding 1/2 tsp of bicarb of soda, per glass of water with 2tbsps of ACV in it, eliminates muscular cramp faster than you can say "This tastes really weird....!"