how accurate the average daily calories burned on Fitbit Alta is/what to do with that info?

I have a Fitbit Alta and the weekly summary it says that on average I burn 2400 calories a day. I usually eat 1000 calories less but sometimes more than that in a day. I know that I can't be overestimating it by very much because my diet mostly consists of chicken, vegetables, and carbs in moderation and I measure/track everything on the app. but if im almost 1000 calories deficient every day, wouldn't i be leaner or losing weight? or have I wrecked my metabolism from being so deficient for so long?
a little about myself
18 years old, female, moderately active, 145 lbs, 5ft 8'
recently had restricted calories of 1200 and did this for about 7 months (September 2016-1 week ago)... however, I have been trying to increase it and meet my macros in hopes of maybe boosting my metabolism.
any thoughts? do you think I could have jacked up my metabolism? will increasing my calorie intake/meeting my macros make me gain fat/bulk up? what is the most amount of calories I should eat a day?


  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Having a larger deficit is not a good thing. We recommend a max of 15% from your TDEE (maintenance) level. Eating too low calorie over a prolonged amount of time will for sure affect your metabolism. You're not a lost cause though, don't worry! Great that you have looked for another way and found this group.
    I would recommend working your way up to your TDEE that your Fitbit is giving you for starters. I have a Fitbit Alta too and I find it usually underestimates my burn.
    Just take things one step at a time. First step is to get your calories back up so that your body can see what your maintenance level should be and not an artificially suppressed state.
    Add 100 calories per week.
    Take it slow.
    Have a read through our metabolism reset guide so you can see what to expect.
    Plus, the starter kit if full of EVERYTHING you need to know about this whole process, goes into great detail.
    You can get yours here;
    Let us know if you need any other info.
    Team EM2WL
  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    I have spent the past 6 weeks trying to find what I really burn only to see that the Fitbit numbers are REALLY close if I accurately account for my workouts (fitbit workout numbers seem to be closer for me). I am 5'8 as well and moderately active and about 55 lbs heavier and 30+ years older than you and my TDEE is about 2500-2600 so 2400 is probably really close for you!

    The guides Ichel posted are wonderful as well. It will get you moving in the right direction.
