17 DD - Cycle 1 complete onto Cycle 2!

Ezzmie Posts: 41 Member
Just wondering if any of you in the group are still using 17 DD. This chat dates back a bit so wondering if you've had success in keeping the weight off or if there are people that are just starting out with the 17 DD again. I just completed Cycle 1 after a year of not doing anything. 7 pounds down - I'm happy with finally seeing something come off! Looking for support from others that know what it's like and from those that are on a similar journey.


  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    I did the 17 DD 5 years go and lost 75 pounds. Kept it all off until a year ago and I've gained 30 pounds back. Going to start the 17 DD again starting next week.