Active April 2017 Challenge: Week 3 (4/15-4/21)

baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
Obilgatory repetitive blurb :wink:
baconslave wrote: »
It's Active April folks.
Time to get moving.
No need to make your "heart gargle in your throat." Unless that's what you're into. :wink:
Active April is about making your goal an improvement in your fitness. Whatever constitutes an improvement for YOU.

So whether you want to train for a 5k or 10k, start HIITing your head off, or just start exercising, period, it's all good.

There will be a sticky at the top of the group with a list of the weekly threads should our thread get buried in this (awesome) group.

Go ahead and post your goals.
Update us daily and receive encouragement and support from your compatriots in the challenge.
Go get it!



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm still here!! Had to travel for work this week, but that entailed a LOT of walking around on job sites so I was active the whole time. And as of this morning I'm back down to my lowest weight...huzzah!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I only just now caught the "heart gargle in your throat." Is that a Jillian Michaels reference from 30DS or am I making that up? ;) (It's been a while.)

    Today I am going hiking with the family so I should get plenty of steps in!
    Scale also dropped back down lower in my maintenance range again so yay.

    I'm in a really good groove right now in terms of maintenance, which excites me.

    I'm debating if I want to (re-)start YAYOG next week or focus on training for a 5K in mid-May (hoping to set a new PR!) in which case I'd stick with my physical therapy home program for strength until after the race.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I only just now caught the "heart gargle in your throat." Is that a Jillian Michaels reference from 30DS or am I making that up? ;) (It's been a while.)

    Today I am going hiking with the family so I should get plenty of steps in!
    Scale also dropped back down lower in my maintenance range again so yay.

    I'm in a really good groove right now in terms of maintenance, which excites me.

    I'm debating if I want to (re-)start YAYOG next week or focus on training for a 5K in mid-May (hoping to set a new PR!) in which case I'd stick with my physical therapy home program for strength until after the race.

    Bingo! :wink:
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    All walking today will be in the form of cleaning.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    4/15 OTF Endurance Day (60 minutes, 1000 calories burned)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    4/15: two mile trail run and then some badminton and basketball with my nephews!
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    My Active April challenge was to do 540km on my bike for the month (average 18km / day), while also continuing to be under my carb and calorie goals.

    After 16 days, I'm well ahead of schedule on the bike, with 315km on the odometer for the month. I've kept under my calorie goal, and was under my carb goal every day except today. It was a family get-together and while I avoided the chocolates and sweets, I did indulge in some carby snack-type food. No regrets though, it was tasty and I'll be good again starting right now. :smile:

    Finally, Sundays are my weigh-in days, and as of this morning I'm down another 1 lb. That's 158 lbs so far, and 97 lbs left to hit my goal.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    4/16 OTF Endurance, Strength, & Power Day (90 minutes, 1300+ calories burned)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    We had three baby goats born yesterday!!! So my weekend has been full of outdoorsy livestock-ness :heart:


  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    4/16: started Hammer and Chisel. I'm probably going the strength ones and will sub running for most the cardio days .... tonight was chisel balance.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Over 10k steps today.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    Elliptical Sat and cooking/cleaning 6 hours yesterday. left my fitbit at home, need to get a new one.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ended the week with 14.5 miles......I misscounted and missed my goal,by half a mile. Arugh! Lol.

    April continues to be an insane month of work, and personal activities. I am happy to maintain wright loss and impressed that I am not using it as an excuse to see pounds creep back on,

  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Got my butt up at 4am and went to the gym this morning! It wasn't long (less than 30 minutes) but I did it, got to work on time and feel really good. I also found a better location of my gym for my commute, so that should help with a longer workout. I'll try that location tomorrow.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I'm behind in reporting.
    4/15: 1hr yard stomp
    4/16: nothing. I was stuck in the car for 3 hours roundtrip for a family gathering after food prep all morning. I had a terrible night's sleep, more terrible than usual, so I was a zombie on downers all day. Zero energy. Blah. I'll make up for it this week.

    Active April 15/16
    Me: 15
    Chronic Fatigue: 1 (hate your face! :rage: )
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    4/17 OTF Strength/Everest Day (60 minutes, 788 calories burned)
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    We had three baby goats born yesterday!!! So my weekend has been full of outdoorsy livestock-ness :heart:


    Ohhh Goat Yoga time!!! :D<3<3<3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @baconslave thanks for setting up this challenge!

    Active April Shape Up Challenge Goals
    1. Eat between 20–30 g of carbs per day max
    2. Drink 6 to 8 cups of water per day
    3. Lift weights 3 to 4 times per week
    4. Swing kettle bell 6 to 7 times per week
    5. Walk six times per week
    6. Record daily
    7. Lose 6 to 8 pounds

    SW 195
    4/1 137 lbs
    4/8 134 lbs
    4/15 134 lbs
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    4/15 kettle bell workout in the morning and walked 2 miles during the day.
    4/16 kettle bell workout in the morning and walked 2 miles during the day. Carbs and calories were not good these two days! Back to recommitment!