Yeah-- fellow Menopauser's!! Joined you today

kkbacon61 Posts: 8 Member
Joined MFP last week and checking out groups. Read some of your posts, sounds like I am not alone. Ok, I am 52 years old haven't been to a doctor to verify going thru "the change" but already know I am. No period for over 14 months. YEAH!. Hot flashes have been bad last couple of months. Yes that weight is so much harder to get off. Right now following the diary closely with calories. I also drink Spark in the morning to get me going. My exercise is walking and wanting to try other avenues. Anyway, anyone have any natural ways to help with the flashes. I am sure then that will help the weight. Any good exercises? Thanks for listening.


  • hospital_nightshifter
    Hello. I'm new to MFP, too. Actually just joined a few hours ago (I work nights and have some free time most nights.) I'm also new to the Group Thing, and I'm hoping to find a friend or two to encourage me along the way. Ok, what I'd actually LOVE is someone who would be willing to come kick my bum out of my chair and into a pair of walking shoes! Turning 50 is really scary to me, and most days I just don't try. I suppose a part of me doesn't really believe I CAN lose weight. Menopause + night shift work + low energy = 40 or so extra pounds I'd love to leave behind. Any takers?
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Oh how I feel your pain! I finally had enough when I joined here and decided to track my calories - a first for me. I had always been successful losing weight in the past. Not so much anymore. And everyday I would think to myself I have to exercise. And everyday I would not.
    Until July. Where I promised myself I would exercise EVERYDAY. Have I? No. BUT...most days I have and I am faithfully doing Couch to 5K three days a week. This is huge for me. I don't run. Ever. So...if I can do it, so can you!
  • issypops
    issypops Posts: 212 Member
    Hi and welcome to you all, been here a couple of months myself

    - hot flashes-I have used progesterone cream and it helped with night sweats, not had any day time 'tropical moments' yet but I've heard black cohosh can be helpful.

    As for loosing weight I think you'll find lots of people on here that are finding it hard, but it is doable, I'm finding I have managed a slow but steady loss through calorie counting and walking, I won't beak any records but I can be patient.
    I would like to up my exercise to include something that will build muscle mass as I keep reading that it is important as you get older, but I've not managed to start anything yet.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want the company and support
    and having turned fifty a couple of weeks back, I'm actually finding it quite liberating, I finally think I'm coming of age!