People Who Gained During Stage 1, HELP MEEEEE



  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Make sure that when you weigh yourself it is always after a rest day. You should never weigh yourself after a lifting day. Your muscles are trying to repair themselves and you retain water. Also, you should use other forms of measurement besides the scale. Pictures, measurements or getting your body fat tested is much more accurate.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    I can never seem to find a good time to weigh, so I haven't really been doing it unless I go to the doctor or something. My clothes fit more or less the same, although the jeans that fit me are starting to do that thing I've always hoped for and be tight in the butt and thighs, but with a little room in the waist. I think it's hip/ muffin top fat coming off.

    I'm diligent about pictures, though. I always take pictures after I complete a stage. I have this huge document on my computer with all my pictures lined up in chronological order, and it's amazing. Whenever I feel bloated or just down, I open it and see how that stupid below-the-belly-button fat deposit has shrunk, and I feel so much better. It's much more effective than a number on a scale.

    Body fat calipers are on my shopping list. My FitBit Aria scale claims that it can tell your BF%, but like most scales, I think it's a filthy liar. Not because I don't like the number, but because it's never the same number (not even close) twice.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I started at 155lbs now I'm at 160lbs, Still on Stage 1. My calories are not low though I have been indulging. I want to start this week to be at my TDEE -%20 so I can hopefully lose fat. I was bummed that the scale isn't moving, but I'll do my best and hope for the best.
    I'm trying to let go of what the scale says though it can be tough, I know it myself!
    you all are doing so awesome, thanks for sharing!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I've gained 3.8 lbs since I started NROL4W (3 lbs week 1, .8 lbs week 2, and down .2 lbs week 3), but I'm purposefully trying to bulk.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I did workout 4A last night, and am super stoked with how my lifting has progressed! I am staying away from the scale, and trusting that the fact my jeans are easier to button is a good sign. Last time I stepped on the scale I went from 211 to 216! I had a panic attack, but my husband said baby your tummy looks flatter in your jeans. Your losing the spare tire! Keep going! Have I told you how much I love him! LOL. I do not have to suck in my belly to button my jeans that I just bought a month ago (size 12). I know the last time I weighed 216(ten years ago) there was no way my butt was fitting into a 12 anything! Granted they are stretchy jeans, but still they are a 12!!!! Yeah me! Keep going. Finding your forum post is helping me to easy the concerns I was having too!
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Nancy, yay on the size 12:)!!!! Good for you for staying away from the scales!