Weekly Check-In: April 23- May 9

TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
I only have one exam on Monday and one on Tuesday left. My Tuesday exam is the easiest one and then I am on the train, heading back home for just over two weeks. That means my mom will be making me tons of food that I love AND we our having our Easter Dinner with family as I couldn't come home for Easter. I am looking forward to going back and will just have to watch my portion sizes.

Went for 2 walks today in downtown Toronto, and the weather was gorgeous! I missed the sun so much <3


  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Good luck on your exams and have fun visiting with your family.
  • kefalo
    kefalo Posts: 182 Member
    Well, I'm back. After Easter with my family, a break-up (my own with my partner) and a pile of work which meant that I lost most of my motivation to go to the gym (but still kept running), I am back. I finally poked my head out of the hole I was in and realised that exercising would help me keep happy in this hard time, so I pushed myself to go to the gym this week and have just gotten back from an intense gym session of exercise bike and weights. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow, and know I won't be happy as I can see I have put on weight in these past weeks, but sometimes life really does get in the way of everything, and I am just happy that I can feel that motivation again.

    Nice to see you all again!
  • PerwinkleSummer
    PerwinkleSummer Posts: 17 Member
    Hanging on!
  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    I am back at school now, so I am getting back on track with my eating and working out! Looking forward to re-starting :)