Vegan weight loss

2busy4health Posts: 20 Member
Hi all :)

Has anyone here lost weight loss through vegan/plant-based nutrition? Would love to hear your stories. What worked? What was hard? Are you still doing it?


  • whitneymorgan1
    whitneymorgan1 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been vegan for almost 9 months. I switched for health and I have lost a total of 23 lbs and kept 21 of them off the whole time. It's a slow weight loss, but a healthy one. I have been struggling this month to stay on a Vegan diet, but I'm starting back up tomorrow. My plan is raw til 4 vegan. Then keeping meals light and healhty, animal free. Feel free to message me or follow me on Instagram sweetmamaoftwo
  • jhildebrandt73
    jhildebrandt73 Posts: 290 Member
    I started back on MFP about 3 months ago. In the first month I lost 25lbs. I started a whole foods-plant based diet at the end of April. Since then I have lost 37 more pounds. I had always had high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Now, my blood pressure is down and my cholesterol is the lowest it's ever been.
  • 4wren4
    4wren4 Posts: 4 Member
    Rock on!