Weekly mini goal challenge - week of 4/24

Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
Weekly mini goals really work! They allow us to adjust focus while still aiming toward a broader long-term target. Setting small goals also provides opportunity to challenge ourselves and (maybe) create new habits.

A weekly mini goal can be scale or non-scale related. Done right, smaller incremental goals let us enjoy an accomplishment here and there along the way, but, ideally, are never set so high that they cause undue stress if we fall short.

If you want to join in this challenge, just jump in!

What is your weekly mini goal this week?

How did you do with last week's mini goal?


  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I was in training at work all day yesterday and never had a chance to post.

    Last week: 100% tracking 5 of 7 days, plus 3 workouts of 30 minutes or more. I met the tracking part, missed by two on the workouts, but felt I had a good week nonetheless.

    This week: back to a scale goal. I aim to lose 1.5-2 lbs.
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Last week's mini goals --

    weigh/measure and track daily (and stay within my daily calories) -- check
    lose 1 pound -- check (lost 2.5)

    Goals for this week -- same as last week
  • trothaar
    trothaar Posts: 11 Member
    Last week: Fell off track because I went out of town for the weekend (although it was to run a 12K on Saturday and a half on Sunday, which helped mitigate some of the damage).

    This week: Track daily, stay within my daily calories, lose 1#.