Not getting enough fat/calories?

So my calorie intake is 1390. My fat is at 118g. Today I ended my day with 500 calories left and 50g of fat left. 1g carbs and 5g protein left. Am I not eating enough? I mean I feel fine, but I know not having enough calories can screw up weight loss. I kinda feel hungry right now lol but what should I eat? Like a spoonful of butter? lmao


  • WVWalkerFriend
    WVWalkerFriend Posts: 575 Member
    Folks here have been known to eat spoons full of butter as well as coconut oil. Personally I add both to my coffee in the morning. If you're not hungry, though, don't force yourself to eat
    I have days where I could care less about eating and others where I can't stop. If you're truly hungry you should eat.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    1 tablespoon of Heavy Whipping Cream (HWC). ;) Not kidding.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    If you aren't hungry. You're eating enough.

    Do you trust your entries, macro calculators, food labels more than you trust your body?
    Listen to your body.

    And if you were actually hungry, don't eat butter just because fat is the only macro you have left.
    Protein is a MINIMUM goal. It's ok to go over it. Fat is a MAXIMUM limit. Not a goal. Same with carbs.
    You can be under one or both and be at or over protein and that's perfectly fine.

    This. Alllll day.
  • hmikkola92
    hmikkola92 Posts: 169 Member
    edited April 2017
    I don't really pay attention to grams. Except protein. But if I'm full I'm not going to force feed myself. Your body knows what it needs. I've had a couple days where I ate 800 calories and everything was fine.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2017
    If you aren't hungry. You're eating enough.

    Do you trust your entries, macro calculators, food labels more than you trust your body?
    Listen to your body.

    If I'm not hungry, I'm fine with not eating.

    But I should listen to my body rather than my macros, etc., if my body - specifically some part of my brain - is telling me to eat?

    How do I tell whether it's hunger or my carb addiction or some passing craving that's speaking? Or whether my hunger and satiety hormones are as out of sync as my refurbished, Grade C glucose regulators? (My liver and pancreas didn't tell me a thing....and still don't. I have to do cell checks 5-10x daily.... :s)
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    "How do I tell whether it's hunger or my carb addiction or some passing craving that's speaking?"

    I've had good luck with the ten minute rule: You can postpone just about anything for ten minutes, especially if you fill in the time with some physical activity. Frequently I find that at the end of ten minutes, the desire for (insert madly attractive food item here) is gone. If I'm still hungry, then it's hunger not craving and an on-plan snack will take care of things.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    If you aren't hungry. You're eating enough.

    Do you trust your entries, macro calculators, food labels more than you trust your body?
    Listen to your body.

    If I'm not hungry, I'm fine with not eating.

    But I should listen to my body rather than my macros, etc., if my body - specifically some part of my brain - is telling me to eat?

    How do I tell whether it's hunger or my carb addiction or some passing craving that's speaking? Or whether my hunger and satiety hormones are as out of sync as my refurbished, Grade C glucose regulators? (My liver and pancreas didn't tell me a thing....and still don't. I have to do cell checks 5-10x daily.... :s)

    That is a VERY good question. It can be tricky. I think it's a more rare occurrence for someone to be so out of whack (yes, technical term) that they just cannot tell at all. I mean it's going to be either they are rarely hungry even when they should be or always hungry even when they shouldn't be.

    So if

    1) they're never hungry even when they should be

    This won't be too much of an issue if they have excess bodyfat AND focus on protein whole foods. You have to assume that at some point, enough hormone healing will occur to correct this problem before they would waste away. If not, then eventually, this person should recognize that they have achieved a healthy body weight and they may need to start seeking even more calorie dense foods to slow or stop further weight loss. Until then, their body is being adequately fueled assuming the focus on eating more nutrient dense protein foods.

    2) they're always hungry even when they shouldn't be

    This suggests they don't know what "real hunger" feels like. This person needs to utilize strategies like @mandycat223 suggested. They need to exercise their will power muscle a little. Consistency in increasing time between meals and working on eliminating all snacking would hopefully in time, correct the habit or hormone signals responsible for it. This person would know if they are eating too much if they can't eat within a calorie limit consistently. Or if they can't go at least 4-5 hours between meals. Again assuming they are eating nutrient dense whole foods and aren't hungry due to simple nutritional deficiency from under eating protein and eating packaged and faux foods lacking in nutrients.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    If you aren't hungry. You're eating enough.

    Do you trust your entries, macro calculators, food labels more than you trust your body?
    Listen to your body.

    If I'm not hungry, I'm fine with not eating.

    But I should listen to my body rather than my macros, etc., if my body - specifically some part of my brain - is telling me to eat?

    How do I tell whether it's hunger or my carb addiction or some passing craving that's speaking? Or whether my hunger and satiety hormones are as out of sync as my refurbished, Grade C glucose regulators? (My liver and pancreas didn't tell me a thing....and still don't. I have to do cell checks 5-10x daily.... :s)

    My rule is:

    If I'm not hungry, I trust my body. If I am hungry, I give it the 3rd degree like the lying little MFer it is. Generally, true hunger can be fed by anything. Cravings are for specific foods. I *try* to ignore cravings.
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    If you aren't hungry. You're eating enough.

    Do you trust your entries, macro calculators, food labels more than you trust your body?
    Listen to your body.

    If I'm not hungry, I'm fine with not eating.

    But I should listen to my body rather than my macros, etc., if my body - specifically some part of my brain - is telling me to eat?

    How do I tell whether it's hunger or my carb addiction or some passing craving that's speaking? Or whether my hunger and satiety hormones are as out of sync as my refurbished, Grade C glucose regulators? (My liver and pancreas didn't tell me a thing....and still don't. I have to do cell checks 5-10x daily.... :s)

    My rule is:

    If I'm not hungry, I trust my body. If I am hungry, I give it the 3rd degree like the lying little MFer it is. Generally, true hunger can be fed by anything. Cravings are for specific foods. I *try* to ignore cravings.

    Very funny, but I would tailor the *Cravings rule. Craving a carb/sweet etc.. should be given a third degree and understood that the body does not need carbs, period. However, if your craving a certain healthy/whole food your body might be lacking a nutrient that whole food provides.
  • WVWalkerFriend
    WVWalkerFriend Posts: 575 Member
    After following the standard diabetic diet handed out by the medical community I found I actually didn't have hunger signals. I would feel fine and then suddenly crash and burn. LC has helped but its taken awhile and I credit tracking as a useful tool in that. Now I not only have the hunger signals but I trust in my body.