May Challenge



  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    @Kirstie155 I'm just trying to eat as clean as possible, cut portions, and resist the temptation of a cold beer (or 3) on the patio now that the sun is finally starting to shine around here. Let's crush this May goal! B)
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    Hello Ladies, I'm hoping I can join your group. I have two little girls; my husband and I are trying for our third in August. I always wanted to be the cute thin mom, but really I need to lose at least 15 lbs to be in a healthy range for the pregnancy.
    5/1: 207.8
    5/31: Goal 200.
    It's a push, but I would like to be out or close to out of the 200s again.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @dtmwed Welcome to the group! We're glad to have you! =)
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    1fit_mamma wrote: »
    @Kirstie155 I'm with you, April was not kind! Hopefully May will be the fresh start we need.

    @VeryKatie so good to hear you aren't too worried about weight, I'm sure you are right where you need to be and most new mums would be the biggest they have ever been- you are supposed to put on quite a bit. Enjoy the last few months!!

    @SheilAnneSmith so jealous of your weather, in Aus we are coming into winter- not excited. Get out there and enjoy!!

    5/1: 204.4
    5/31: 199.4

    I think I can lose 5, the only thing that will derail it would be a pregnancy, but I'm sure I can forgive myself for that ;) Just trying to talk myself out of it as it's so unlikely first month :neutral:

    heh heh heh I had to go back and read this lol.

    Haha you can't get away with anything on these forums, everything is in writing!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Hi ladies, I have a few entries in my spreadsheet that aren't mine, wondering if anyone has been entering in the wrong box? Not a problem, just don't want to delete them if they need to be moved somewhere else. I had a few days off tracking between 10th-13th (and was definitely eating more than what is inside my boxes!) if that helps figure it out.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @1fit_mamma -- I thought for a bit it might have been me screwing it up the other day because I had some I days I thought I filled in that weren't there when I went into the spreadsheet, but the numbers on your row didn't match my missing entries.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member

    May 1st: 197.2
    May 4th: 194.6
    May 11th: 195.0
    May 18th: 195.8


    May 31st: 189.0

    Up AGAIN this week, my goal for May is looking less likely as the days go on. I'm a little frustrated because last week I knew why I was up (poor diet), but this week my eating has been on point and I've been hitting the gym consistently. I've added some different weights to my workouts so I'm hoping the extra poundage is from my muscles having a bit of a freak out and holding on to some water... but I guess time will tell! I feel great though and I guess that's what matters, lol.
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    May 1st 147
    May 5th 145
    May 19th 145

    Goal weight end of May 145

    Back on track after my travels (home to Scotland for 10 days). It's been hard to adjust back to my usual routine as my appetite has increased since being away! Adding in more running is helping to keep on top of it.

    @girlalmighty08 - hang in there! When you're doing everything right the results will show on the scale eventually. I always notice a bit of a gain after a hard workout too - it will sort itself out.
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    May 1st 147
    May 5th 145
    May 19th 145
    May 26th 145.9

    Reviewed my food diary. Meals are still fine but I'm going way over on snacks e.g. cookies, chocolate, ice cream. I don't know why I've let those bad habits creep in again, but at least I know how to solve it! I'll avoid all of these for a week to reset my habits.

    Goal weight end of May 145lbs.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Update on my goals

    1) Do laundry (baby clothes) - check!
    2) Pack hospital bag - check!
    3) Buy car seat and immediate needs for baby and for me - check!
    4) Make meals for after baby comes
    5) Landscape backyard - Almost check. Contractor is hired!
    6) Build/coordinate the building of the fence - Working on it... but passing it off to Chris. I can't handle it at the moment, this particular thing stresses me out a lot.
    7) Stop having stupid dreams about the things I'm worried about - check (I think?)
    8) Stay not stressed :(
    9) Eat food - check!
    10) Maybe walk at least sometimes.

    Hmm. I thought I was doing better. Gotta get those walks in and figure out ways of keeping my stress low. I am not great at handling stress. I don't know how other people do it.

  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member

    May 1st: 197.2
    May 4th: 194.6
    May 11th: 195.0
    May 18th: 195.8
    May 25th: 195.2


    May 31st: 189.0

    Doesn't look like I'm going to meet my goal... my body is being quite stubborn this month. But at least I'm still down from the beginning of the month, and we'll see what the next week brings!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    No way am I hitting my goals this month, this week has been a disaster and I've been way over more than I've been under. It just lost steam and motivation.

    Some idiot backed into my new car at a stop sign Tuesday, less that 5,000 miles on it and they busted up my front bumper and hood. I'm more mad than anything, I bought the car in October, barely drove it with our crappy winter and spent the whole last month getting some recall work done on it. I finally had a trip to take with it this weekend other than between home and work. Never had a new car before, or even anything that wasn't bought off of Craigslist for $1500 and newer than 1998. It just ticks me off that someone had to be an idiot and now I can't even cruise around it when I finally get a chance. Then getting a rental coordinated has been a challenge, I think I can finally go pick it up tonight. All of this while in a hormonal spiral to that TOM. I'm over it, told my hubby we were having ice cream for dinner last night!

    It'll be a miracle if I can straighten things out and not have a gain this week. Guessing I'll end up about 256-257 for May, was hoping for 253. Only about 3 pound down this month.

    I think part of the problem is losing focus and motivation. I go from being crazy excited to TTC to thinking maybe we'll never be ready or I shouldn't even be considering it at this point. But at the same time, my husband is 48, I really don't want to wait any longer for his sake. I was there, I was down to 175, healthy and ready 3 years ago...but no other aspect of our life was ready. Now most everything else is ready but I gained so much weight back. Life sucks sometimes....don't mind me and my pitty party! lol

    So, hopefully I can pull my head out and make June better than the last part of May. Perhaps a little Pendleton or a few Margarita's can set me straight this weekend!

    One the plus side, I'm done calving out cows and it's time to start breeding. Check out this cutie that was the last one born.

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    So I weighed myself this morning after ignoring the scale all month...191! Somehow I managed to lose weight- alright!! Not sure how, I've been eating garbage not tracking not working out and stress through the roof. Hmm. I'll talk it anyway.

    I have 2 BBQs to go to this holiday weekend and am making a chocolate poke cake for dessert. We will see how I do over the next few days.
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    I started out the pregnancy at 162.5 and am up to 165.5, so 3 pounds gained at 13 weeks. I swear about half of that has to be in my boobs! My bra still fits, but they are noticeably bigger and heavier, so it probably won't fit for long!

    My doc said she recommends about a 25 pound gain for me, so I'm hoping to focus on exercise and portion control (as much as possible)...but if I want a cookie, I'm going to eat it! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • krizaten33
    krizaten33 Posts: 63 Member
    I fell off my wagon and got run over by it. We have been traveling and having visitors and working a lot.See you in june. Back to gluten free, tring to kick this spring cold
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Update on my goals

    1) Do laundry (baby clothes) - check!
    2) Pack hospital bag - check!
    3) Buy car seat and immediate needs for baby and for me - check!
    4) Make meals for after baby comes
    5) Landscape backyard - Contractor is hired for the patio, the layout is finalized!
    6) Build/coordinate the building of the fence - Working on it... but passing it off to Chris. I can't handle it at the moment, this particular thing stresses me out a lot.
    7) Stop having stupid dreams about the things I'm worried about - check (I think?)
    8) Stay not stressed :(
    9) Eat food - check!
    10) Maybe walk at least sometimes.

    Not too bad...
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    The June challenge sheet is ready for sign up!
    And as usual, the super challenge goes for the days between months. See the link on the main page.

    Here are my results from this month. My weight went up a bit faster than the month before.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith I totally missed your post! Im sorry to hear that life is a bit rough with your weight right now--I get it girl! Just do your best and forget the rest. Stressing out over it and beating yourself up wont help either. And omg, that totally sucks about your car?! Ugh, I would be soooo mad too. Sounds fixable but who wants to go through that?
    The cow is so cute, do you live on a farm?
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Kirstie155 Yes, we have just over 100 acres. Most of it is leased out for dryland farming (husband used to farm, but bad prices and conditions in the 90's pushed him out.) Depending on the year, they grow wheat, garbanzos, dry peas and lentils. I have about 20 acres that is fenced off for pasture. I have 5 cow/calf pairs and a yearling heifer out there now. We calve in March, but this one cow I bought and she didn't calve until May. I do all the breeding too via artificial insemination, we don't own a bull. They are too hard on the fences and too expensive for so few cows. So, as I start to TTC there is a very real possibility that I refer to due date as a calving date, ovulation time as estrus/in-heat and Baby Dance as breeding! lol. I'm kind of a cattle reproduction nerd. :D

    I'm hoping my car will be fixed by Friday. Fingers crossed! I at least got the rental in time for the weekend.

    Hoping for a fresh start in June!! Going back to look at my numbers, despite being so off track, the cumulative effect I think will be minimal once water-weight disappears...hopefully.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @sheilannesmith wow! 100 acres, thats amazing! I would LOVE to live on a farm! Are you full time farmers, or do you have other jobs? That sounds like full time work to me, what a lovely life :) I have a small garden for some produce, but cant count on it for food. Last year we planted on a whim, and ended up with mostly zucchini to eat. This year due to my back injury I planted late (plus its still so cold, summer, where are you?!) and scaled back a little bit. Some basil, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini.

    That's so funny that you're TTC in cow terms :D:D Good luck breeding!
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