Bariatric Vitamins

jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
I have been taking Vitafusion gummies from Costco and have been tolerating them really well. My surgeons office suggested that I really try taking a bariatric vitamin so I received a sample pack from Bariatric Advantage. The taste wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but within a few minutes of taking them I didn't feel very good. Has anyone else had this problem? My lab work looks good so I'm considering sticking with what I have been doing. I know that if I can't stamd the taste or if thet make me feel yucky I maynot be as good at taking them. Right now I never miss taking them. Any input is greatly appreciated.


  • clcmfp
    clcmfp Posts: 108 Member
    I found this online from John's Hopkins, which is a trustworthy source of information:

    According to them, gummy vitamins do not contain all the vitamins and minerals a VSG patient needs. And the hard part is, it can take a long time before your deficiencies show on a blood test. Some things like iron deficiencies are very hard to correct once they show up.

    I totally get your aversion to taking something that tastes bad! It has taken me months to get used to my bariatric vitamins. I actually crush them, put them on a spoon and dump it on the back of my tongue and then take a drink of water to wash it down. You hardly taste it that way. I take Opti-source bariatric chewables as recommended by my doctor.
  • Miss_Hattie
    Miss_Hattie Posts: 49 Member
    I still prepping for my duodenal switch bariatric surgery. I'm on such a tight budget and am worried about the cost of vitamins. I figure anything with the name bariatric will cost 3 times as much. Hoping I can find some generic type vitamins that will be less costly. Any ideas?
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    @Miss_Hattie the cost of vitamins will probably be less than prescriptions. And will DEFINITELY be less than future health care costs. I'm not a big fan of vitamins (I personally think we should get our nutrients through food) but if your doctor recommends than try to figure something out.
  • Mandy_1982
    Mandy_1982 Posts: 160 Member
    What brand/type of multivitamin is everyone using post-op?

    Any of you NOT using a special bariatric kind?
  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    @clcmfp my biggest concern is not the taste but that they made me feel sick. I have a hard time swallowing pills. I'm not supposed to take iron at this point either so it limits some of the bariatric vitamins I can take. Iron can be toxic if you are not deficient and are taking it. Guess it is all trial and error. Thank you so much for the article.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Im in the uk. They suggest we take centrum A-Z or any complete A-Z but we are told to take it twice a day instead of the standard once a day

    I stock up when they go on 3 for 2
  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    @ruqayyahsmum thank you that is a great idea. Do you take the chewables?
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    My surgeon told me that even my Bariatric multi complete vitamin from Celebrate did not give me any or enough calcium citrate. He said I am
    better off taking a regular OTC like a centrum vitamin and adding calcium citrate as well. My labs have been perfect and some days I use the women's vitafusion gummies vs my Bariatric vitamins. My eye doc also said my eyes are perfect and she said that is attributed to getting enough nutrients.
  • Samquentin
    Samquentin Posts: 109 Member
    I have these, my nutritionist sent the information into them, and for a $25 copay/month, I get all the vitamins and the B12 intranasal auto-shipped. This is most likely the only way i'd remember to take my vitamins.

    The OTC option they have listed out is:
    Centrum Adult (2 per day) one in morning, one in evening
    1500 mg Calcium Citrate-no more than 600mg at one time--example: Citrical Capsules
    45-60 mg Farrous Fumarate Iron--Example: FeoSol/Bifera
    1000 mcg B12, sublingual-1/day
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    @ruqayyahsmum thank you that is a great idea. Do you take the chewables?

    No im 3 years out, i just take mine with water

    The first 6 months i took centrum chewables to protect my pouch
  • Lisidy
    Lisidy Posts: 130 Member
    I take these Celebrate multivitamins. I have to be really careful to take them with food, otherwise they make me a bit queasy. Not queasy enough to puke, just a bit uncomfortable. I tried a chewable first, but the taste made me want to gag.
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    I took the Celebrate Multi Complete and it apparently didn't have calcium citrate so looking into that now.
  • Lisidy
    Lisidy Posts: 130 Member
    Yes, good point. I should mention that I have to take calcium chews in addition to my Celebrate vitamins.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Occasionally I would get a little queasy after taking vitamins but I just make sure I don't take them on an empty stomach, even a few ounces of a protein drink helps me.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I take a Women's One A Day prenatal ( know), a B12, and then I take a calcium citrate/D3/magnesium in the evenings. I've never had issues with swallowing pills, so it doesn't really bother me, but I have noticed since my surgery, swallowing the pills is a little more difficult than it used to be. Not enough to switch to chewables, but enough that I noticed it.
  • AllisonMart
    AllisonMart Posts: 156 Member
    I take chewable Centrum recommended by my surgeon. Seems like the easiest option and cheaper than the bariatric pills. I keep wondering if I should take a bariatric vitamin, but the Centrum seems to be fine and it was on the list of options from my surgeon, and he hasn't steered me wrong yet! I also take liquid calcium twice a day. It's not bad, blueberry flavor and not too chalky. I get both through Amazon. I've also been taking prescription iron for years for another issue, and the pill doesn't seem to cause any stomach problems either.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I take adcal and ferrous sulphate prescribed by my doctor as i developed anemia along with calcium and vitamin d deficiency (breastfeeding my son stole my vitamins)
    The had me on a 2 month course of cholecalciferol to bring my vitamin d up and with me still breastfeeding thats holding me steady
  • Puppies4Lovies
    Puppies4Lovies Posts: 27 Member
    I have been using vitamin patches from because I didn't want to take vitamins by mouth so soon after surgery(4/21). So far they seem to be working great. I take the multi, b12, d3/calcium, iron and sleep aid. I will probably switch to a chewable once my stomach is more tolerant and I am eating solids because the patches are pretty expensive.
  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    Thank you everyone this is really helpful.
  • ppmintpatty
    ppmintpatty Posts: 18 Member
    Interesting discussion! I am three weeks out from my sleeve and we had to attend several group nutrition classes led by Nutritionists. We were advised not to take gummy vitamins as they do not contain minerals. They told us to not waste our money on expensive vitamins, just take a double dose of inexpensive Flintstone's Children Chewable Vitamins, one in the morning and one in the evening. And a 1000 mg sublingual (dissolvable) B12 tablet daily but not at the same time as the Flintstone's. I decided to add a 10,000 mg sublingual Biotin to hopefully help with future hair loss. I love the taste of the two dissolvable tablets, my afternoon "treat". No Calcium Citrate or iron necessary.