New here

Hi all,
I'm new to this group and thought I'd check in and say hi.
I'm a 28 year old married woman with two young boys aged 3 and 2, and I weigh 20st 6lbs (286lbs). I've recently lost a stone (14lbs), but then I put back on about 4 or 5lbs. This was pretty much due to easter and then my birthday and I gave myself lots of excuses to overeat and binge on junk. Today is my second day back to the calorie counting and using MFP to track.
What's prompted me to join this group in particular is that I've been watching 'Addicted to Food' on Netflix UK and I've recognised so much of myself in the clients of the food addiction/eating disorder clinic. I started watching it thinking it'd be good trash tv and also to shame myself back to healthy eating a little, but actually it's been a bit of an eye opener. It makes me wish I could go do something similar to tackle this.

I am lucky that my husband is very supportive of me and isn't pushing me at all to lose weight, though I know he wants me to it's because I do, and also for my future health. He is a slim man and never had a problem with his weight. But I beat myself up enough instead! He has personal experience of addiction and has beaten one (cigarettes) and is working on another and doing very well. A lot of his work on triggers and excuses resonates with me too.

I have recognised that every time I try to lose weight I lose a bit, maybe a stone or two, and then I binge binge binge on junk until I've put it all back on, and then some. I don't know how to break this cycle!


  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    Welcome! Your issues sound similar to many of us in this group.
  • itsallgood803
    itsallgood803 Posts: 133 Member
    I end up doing the same thing...lose a little bit and then gain it all back plus more.
    Hopefully we can motivate each other.