walk through your memories.

GtbFitBrit Posts: 42 Member
can you think of a time in your life when you didnt care about how you looked or what people thought of you and you were so happy and just lived life in the present moment and didnt even kno about body image yet? its probably very hard to remember since from a young age, most of us are exposed to the "ideal" body and maybe your mother, aunt or even grandmother putting herself down when getting ready to go somewhere. if you weren't exposed to that, your very lucky. i have 3 young girls and i try not to say or act on things i think about myself, but its so damb hard when you try and try and its taking forever to get to the perfect body that you loathe for. well girl, it aint gonna happen with negative thought, use the power or thought as your advantage and just live life in the present moment. think about these few things and how you were brought up.

1: what can you tell about how your family members grew up, were they taught to hide themselves, flaunt it, or lose/gain weight to be accepted. show/hide love b.c it might give off a wrong idea about themselves.

2: think about how you were raised, did they pass down those perceptives to you? or has the media made you think and act the way you do in today's world.

3: do you remember anything somebody said to you, family, friend, stranger, that made you feel anything less of worthy of a good, self-loving and happy life. did somebody call you ugly, without even knowing the real you, or calling you fat/anorexic without knowing your background? they probably have very low confidence themselves, so low they need to make others feel lower.

4: can you think about what you really wanted to be when you were little, a vet, a pilot, or even a singer/ actress. did somebody else have a different idea for you and push you to making that decision. how did that make you feel at the time? did it affect you now as an adult?

realizing these things are the first steps to actually accepting and appreciating the body you've been blessed with. your body is with you until the end, so plz cherish and respect it :)