Self-Love is the Key to Happiness !!

This group is about loving yourself the way you already are, treating your body with respect, and nurturing with good food, self-love and empathy and gradually your body will do what it needs to to get to your personal healthy weight. your body is not against you, so if you talk down to it, with the power of thought, you are making your body look worse in your eyes. loving the journey and every step it takes to lose weight, gain muscle or even just accept your body you've been given, will make it more enjoyable. If you incorporate love in the way you look at this present time, you will be more successful in accomplishing our goals. Girls have a very high expectations to what they should look like, thanks to the media in our lives. But if we as woman stand up and say, "This is what a real woman look like, we are ALL perfect, tall, short, big, thin, muscular. no matter what you think is perfect, somebody always has a different opinion. and what most people think is truly perfect, is confidence. confidence has a role of making you shine and appear so beautiful and happy on the inside that it shines through and no matter what you look like on the outside, it over powers it. If we as women stand together and change the way people think the ideal body is, we as women can help young girls and fellow women to become confident and happy in their own skin.
Owner: GtbFitBritLeaders: GtbFitBritCreated on May 3, 20179 membersPrivacy: Public


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