What does everyone eat?

What does everyone eat on this diet?


  • JimmyJam019
    JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
    I like to have my shrimp :)
  • bikinijacked11
    bikinijacked11 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm vegan so I eat a TON of fruits, veggies, beans, potatoes, and since I am a bikini competitor in Prep currently, I am having a plant based protein shake each day, well, most days, or a D's Naturals No Cow Bar (like my treat lol) and Yea - I do IF 16:8 and Love it. It helps with my hunger during prep and I really enjoy being able to eat larger portions, particularly as my calories begin to drop =)
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I do 23:1 and practice keto so a sample meal for my one meal a day (approx 9 pm) would be... kimchi with 2 eggs over easy, a 6 oz ground beef burger topped with red onions and a mushroom and hard boiled egg salad with a tiny bit of romaine.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,178 Member
    you practice eating 1 meal a day? WOW, kuddos to you! I practice trying to get outta my own head and think I need to snack to relieve boredom and stress. How did you do it? any tips?
  • narfca
    narfca Posts: 2 Member
    I intermittent fast along with keto, 20/4 I've been fasting for a few months and I've only been on keto for 3 days now. My dinners have consisted of a large portion of veggies, usually a burger with a brat, or steak, eggs, bacon and some full fat cheese on the side. I'm experiencing "keto flu" today as I was very addicted to carbs and sugar but I'm down three pounds in three days. I lost 15 just from fasting.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i just started 16:8. Since my first meal is at 12, mon-fri i eat whatever they have at my work's lunch. There's a salad bar so i always have a ton of veggies and whatever protein they offer that isn't beef. My hardest meal is the last one though since my feeding window ends at 8 PM and I'm usually barely able to make it home in time to eat. plus usually by that time i'm still like 500+ calories shy of my goal, and i feel like i'm just throwing food at my face to make it to 8.

    how are you all able to eat all your calories in such a short window without falling into a vat of popeye's chicken?
  • HelloKittyMargie
    HelloKittyMargie Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, Can you eat sweet potato's on this diet ? Or is it better to do Keto while fasting 16;8 ?
  • EllieWray1111
    EllieWray1111 Posts: 9 Member
    When I eat my carbs, it tends to be lunch time (here's yesterday) with my fruits & veggies being my main carb source. Eggs came straight from my hens out back and a protein shake tends to get me through the work day.
    Dinner tends to be higher fat and protein, lower carb. Last night I made cauliflow mac n' cheese :)
  • EllieWray1111
    EllieWray1111 Posts: 9 Member
    i just started 16:8. Since my first meal is at 12, mon-fri i eat whatever they have at my work's lunch. There's a salad bar so i always have a ton of veggies and whatever protein they offer that isn't beef. My hardest meal is the last one though since my feeding window ends at 8 PM and I'm usually barely able to make it home in time to eat. plus usually by that time i'm still like 500+ calories shy of my goal, and i feel like i'm just throwing food at my face to make it to 8.

    how are you all able to eat all your calories in such a short window without falling into a vat of popeye's chicken?

    Girl, last night I did the same thing. I was down to 15 minutes and didn't hit 1000 cals, so I went for a spoon of Peanut Butter - low carb, high fat and moderate protein.
  • GreenHeather2014
    GreenHeather2014 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a big fan of nut butters. I also have (good quality) canned tuna always ready to go. Sometimes I don't make my calorie budget; I'm not even close! Like 500 or more calories off. I've given myself permission not to worry about it as long as it doesn't happen too often.

    If it does start happening a lot, for myself it's been because I didn't have enough foods prepared and ready to eat (or very close to ready). I have a regular weekly schedule of grocery shopping Sunday and prepping most foods that day. Chop veggies and put back in the fridge, get lettuce in the salad spinner, make chicken meatballs for my broth, etc. I make extra effort to be sure I have enough prepared foods by bedtime Sunday night.

    One more "thumbs up" for keeping nut butters around.
  • SnobbyFitness
    SnobbyFitness Posts: 11 Member
    I like to keep it simple. I'll have something high in protein for break fast (such as eggs, or hard boiled eggs if I'm at work or on the go), I generally stay away from fruit. I stick to nuts, popcorn for snacks and Premier Protein for an additional boost throughout the day. I also eat Tuna, Chicken, Turkey and veggies. I do have Ice cream as well.
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    Vegan Shakeology with spinach and blueberries for my first meal. Snacks include RxBars, sardines, apple slices with almond butter or Avocados. For dinner usually pork loin or fish with veges and 2 glasses of wine.
  • cepiotrowski3
    cepiotrowski3 Posts: 21 Member
    Sometimes a green drink which is almond milk, flaxmeal, blueberries, spinach, coconut oil, maybe a little banana, and chia seeds... or a boiled egg with a tin of tuna and curry powder and mayo... I've also had a vsg so can fit in very little
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    80% keto. Avocados, Cheve cheese, liverwurst, peptitas, coconut oil, ghee, leafy greens, bone broth,
  • Thundyrstorm
    Thundyrstorm Posts: 51 Member
    I have been eating once adult for the last four weeks.
    I eat Keto trying to keep to 5%carbs 15%protein 80%fat. I have been feeling great, I am exploring extended fasting currently 25hrs into my plan is to eat 1pm on Saturday.

    Feel free to add me my diary is open to friends.
  • Audreyonfire
    Audreyonfire Posts: 15 Member
    Starting Monday, I'm going to be on the 5-day diet. I'm looking forward to seeing results with this and the IF. I have been eating too much and too many carbs during my eating windows. I wish I could stick to the Keto diet but it doesn't appeal to me right now.
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    Been OMAD most days since thanksgiving, have done (2) fasts 4.5 days long but have felt really bad on day 4 and 5. The folks at IDM suggested that I change things up and do (2) fast a month 3days long each so I’m doing that now and it seems much easier.