I've lost focus

judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
on my health and diabetes.

I think I'm just burned out from always counting carbs, feeling guilty if I have a little more fat than the doctor ordered.

Other than high fasting blood sugar in the morning(it gets within range after being awake two hours), there doesn't seem to be any consequences.
I haven't gained any weight, and my pancreas isn't acting up. Just the odd twinge once in a while.

I know, I know, I have to take care of myself because no one else can, but I'm just tired of it all. I see my family doctor next week for my diabetes check-up, but it's probably be the last time I see her because she will be retiring in July. Her last day of work is actually my birthday. She does have a replacement already, so I will be seeing her after July 28. But you know, when you've had a 20 year relationship with a doctor, it's a little hard to let her go.

I'm think, I may be depressed. I do take a pill for bipolar as well as another one for depression. It's been years that I've been taking them. Maybe I need to revisit the dosage?

Thanks for listening. I am heading out for a walk at the wildlife gardens near me, hoping a nice day in nature will boost my spirits. It usually does.


  • 1234usmc
    1234usmc Posts: 196 Member
    Hang in there Judy, it's a marathon not a sprint
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    1234usmc wrote: »
    Hang in there Judy, it's a marathon not a sprint

    Thanks. Today, instead of a walk, I got my bike out, cleaned the rust off the chain, changed the battery in my odometer and headed out for a test run. I didn't get a lot of biking in last year because of pancreatitis and drainage tubes. I'm determined to make up for that this year. I'll just keep plugging along.
    Oh, and cleaning my bike did give me a bit of a boost.
  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hang in there Judy. I know you'll ok, getting yourself outside with your bike is awesome. I know what you mean about the dr., you just get them trained and the up and leave (lol)..ive retired 2 gp doctors and am thinking about changing the one I have now.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Keep at it. It's all you can do. Everyone has their trials and this one is yours. :)

    I find that really cutting back on the carbs and sugars will give me a boost. My carbs were creeping up, and with it my joint pain and fatigue. I really cut my carbs and within a week my energy was up and steadier and my joint pain was starting to improve.

    Dietary change may be something to consider... but it's hard to do when you are already a bit down. Hang in there.